Gary Mitnick

"It's done … counting down for 5 minutes," Gary said to Dr. Jeff Johnson who couldn't wait to see the results of the young man's work. The wide smile on Gary's face made him have high hopes again.

"Dr. Johnson, I got a call from Heaven," the secretary whispered to Dr. Jeff Johnson right in his ear. Gary, who heard that, kept his eyes on the two of them.

However, the secretary asked Dr. Johnson to talk quite far away from Gary's position as if the thing he was about trying to say was top secret information, and he didn't want to involve Gary.

Even so, Gary, who was used to it, had already prepared a backup plan. He put on the headphone lying on the side of his computer and activated the eavesdropper he had installed into the communication device of Dr.Johnson's secretary. He raised the volume to eavesdrop on their conversation.