Knock Knock Knock

Seven Sins System Chapter 6. Knock Knock Knock

After another half hour, our car stopped at the side of an empty street. Houses with similar shapes around us showed signifying we were in an elite cluster of housing. Our eyes fell on a house across the street, a two-story beige house with a modern design.

To be honest, I was kinda surprised that despite Carl's shabby appearance, the house was quite big. At least compared to the other houses.

"How do we get in?" said Carl in a low voice. He looked restless. His eyes darted from side to side anxiously, making sure no one was watching us.

"From the front door of course," I replied in a relaxed tone.

My answer startled him.

"W-What?" he said in a stammering voice.

"Just get your gun and follow me. We'll clean them up as quietly as possible. Just make sure you have plenty of cleaners to clean your house." I got out of the car and took some pebbles on the side of the street before I walked to the house in casual steps. Still, with naked feet.

There was no burden on me since taking care of some humans was an easy task for me. One for sure, I had to control my power since I couldn't kill them directly.

But that wouldn't be a problem since I still could break their bones here and there or make them spit some blood. A little beg would make everything even better, sadly that would have put us at risk. Well, I still had to be careful with that Ava bitch. Who knew if she recorded all our actions or put us in a live stream.

In contrast to my relaxed attitude, Carl followed me with clear anxiety. His gun was tucked into the back of his jeans. A jacket covered his t-shirt.

As soon as I arrived at the front door, I pressed the bell.

*Ting Tong*

"W-Wait, are you serious about going through the front door? Shouldn't we go through the window or something?" said Carl in a stammering voice. He didn't expect this.

I frowned upon his words.

"Why? They are weaklings. Why should I hide from them?"

Seriously, even though I'm level 1, I was much stronger than them. Not to mention I was a demon and I had hundreds of years of battle experience. From killing someone silently to slaughtering a whole platoon of warriors brutally. After all, they were not warriors nor magicians.

"B-But the cops... They will suspect us," he stammered.

I smirked.

"As long as no one reports it, no one will know. As long as we eliminate the evidence, the cops won't be able to catch us." They were gangsters and the police were after them, so they would also try to solve all this as quietly as possible. Just like us.


"Relax. I know what I'm doing," I interrupted him.

A second later, a tall muscular man opened the door. His face was fierce and his eyes looked at me with intimidation.

"What do you want?" he said impolitely.

I was about to answer him but he laughed when he saw Carl who was hiding behind me.

"Carl, why did you bring a hobo here? Are you desperate or something?" he scoffed.

Instead of paying attention to his taunts, I looked at the status on the top of his head just to measure how much power I should use on him.

[Name: Gery Flintarm]

[Level 5]

[HP: 95/95]

[MP: 32/32]

"Can we talk to Miss Ava?" I asked with a friendly smile. Like I asked before, Carl didn't do or say anything before I ordered him.

"Go away. She doesn't have time for you," he snapped. Without further ado, he slammed the door. But before it closed, I held it with my hand.

"Since she's inside, can we see her for a moment?" I said politely, still with the same friendly smile.

Instead of answering me, he pushed the door with all his might. But I could hold it without difficulty. As I suspected his strength was much weaker than mine. It was like an adult resisting a 5-year-old boy.

"You---" He was about to throw his tantrum at me, but I quickly shifted one of the pebbles between my two fingers before I flicked it at him. The pebbles hit his forehead and knocked him out in an instant. The blood flowing from his head showed how hard my hit was.

[You have hit a human for 63 HP.]

"Excuse us," I said politely. Casually, I stepped at his body and entered the house followed by Carl.

We had just closed the door and walked into the living room, another man who had just come down the stairs greeted us.

"Hey, how did you get in?!" His hand was about to take his gun from the back of his jeans, but quickly, I threw a pebble at him.

[You have hit a human for 58 HP.]

Just like before, he fainted with just one hit.

"I wonder where she is?" I muttered as my feet stepped through the living room which was dominated by warm colors.

"I-I think she's in the entertainment room. She just renovated it and bought a pool table a week ago," Carl replied. His hands were shaking violently.

I turned to him.

"Where is it?"

"Just go straight and turn right."

Following his directions, we arrived in a large room containing lots of entertainment stuff like a big TV, billiard pool, sofa, and a table filled with bottles of alcohol. A tattooed man around the end of his 20s and a beautiful woman in his 30s kissing passionately on the couch. The two other men played billiards and another guy watched an action movie. Their bodies were much bigger and more muscular than mine. So I could understand Carl's fear.

Our sudden appearance made them turn to us.

"Who are you?!" snapped Ava as she broke her kiss. Her half-open black dress showed what they had just done.

Upon her scream, immediately, the others pulled out their guns and pointed them at me. Except for the leader of course and all of them used silencers.