
Seven Sins System Chapter 29. Jealousy

A few minutes later we could see the exit and the vehicle. Theo was also there with his sword and shield in his hands.

"Julia, are you all right?" he approached her in a hurry as soon as we exited the forest, completely ignoring me who was standing next to her. His concern was evident on his face.

She rolled her eyes to the side.

"As you can see, I'm fine," she said reluctantly.

"The sun is almost set, we have to get out of here now!" I warned him. Darkness would bring more danger to this place. At least for mortals.

But he snapped at me.

"Shut up! I saw everything from the drone. It was Julia fighting those monsters, not you!" he said in displeasure.

I had expected this from the start. That was why Julia asked him to stay in the academy. Although I wanted to rip his mouth apart, I couldn't attack him in front of everyone. Moreover, the drone was still watching us. But I knew I would get an interesting show later.

"He's a combat doctor, Theo. That's his duty. If it weren't for him, I would be dead by now!" She defended me.

He turned to her.

"Oh, C'mon, Julia. If I was with you, I could have protected you better."

"But the reality is he was the one who protected and saved me," she retorted.

Those words were enough to break his pride.

"Julia." He tried to take her hand, but Julia brushed it off.

Instead, she took my hand and held it tightly, indicating she was with me.

She glared at him.

"Stop spitting in other people's faces, Theo. It won't make you look any better," she added.

I held my laughter desperately. His expression when Julia turned him down was priceless. A big gallant man was shocked and heartbroken after being rejected by his beloved woman. She even took another man's hand in front of him.

This was more exciting than killing him directly. I wanted to break him more. I wanted to see that disappointment and sadness more.

After all, Julia was my succubus now, her body and heart only belonged to me. So even though it was not scripted, I could already guess it.

Theo looked at her hand that was holding mine in disappointment. Now, it was his turn to hold back his anger.

"C'mon, Allen. We've been through a lot. We have to take a rest," she said.

"Okay." I turned to him and gave him a smug smile before I walked toward the vehicle. While Theo tailed us in disappointment.

Once we got into the vehicle and the door was closed, another combat doctor quickly examined us with his Analyze skill. But since Julia and I had Fake Status skills, he couldn't detect our abnormalities.

"Oh my goodness, this is a miracle. Both of you are in perfect condition. Just a little exhausted," the doctor said in surprise. He turned to me.

"You did a great job, dude."

"Thanks, man," I smiled.

"Oh C'mon, what he did was only support her from behind. It wasn't him who saved her. He just took it for granted," Theo sneered.

"I told you. If it wasn't for him, I would be dead by now," said Julia in displeasure.

"Theo, I don't know why you always underestimate a doctor. But what can I say, what Dr. Allen did was extraordinary things," said the combat doctor with the same displeasure.

"Stop defending your colleague. It's useless," Theo hissed. He turned and glared at me.

"That makes me hate him even more," he hissed.

"I don't get it. Why do you hate me? We didn't have any problems before." Although I could guess why, I wanted to know his exact reason.

"We have. But you pretend you don't care," he answered.

"Is it because of me?" asked Julia straight to the point.

"One of them. But I also have another problem with him," he clarified.

"Tell me," I demanded.

"You like to show off and get everyone's attention. You keep putting yourself in the spotlight like an attention whore!" he let out his anger.

"I never put myself in the spotlight. It was you who thought that way," I argued.

"Pfft! Yeah, right," he scoffed. "Let's take today as an example. You try to be a hero despite you're lacking in that criteria. Do you want recognition that badly?"

"He did it to save me. How could you say that?" said Julia in anger. Her frown on her forehead.

"See? I knew you just wanted to take her heart! That's why you did it!" Theo's eyes filled with anger.

"He healed my wounds and took me out from the monster nest. He saved my life," she emphasized.

He snorted arrogantly.

"Like you said, it's his job, his duty. Why are you praising him just because he did his job?" he replied.

"As for the others... He just was at the right time in the right place and got lucky," he hissed.

"He did something much better than just his job. He risked his life to help others. What he did was a heroic act!" the combat doctor began to raise his voice.

And that made Theo even angrier.

"Heroic act?! What do you know about the heroic act, huh? Were you guys at the front row when the attack came?" he scoffed.

"No, right? You guys are in the back row. Hiding behind the tanks who risk their lives to withstand the enemy's attacks. We are the ones who make heroic acts in every battle!"

'Oh, he must be obsessed with heroic things,' I thought.

"So you think a doctor is an unuseful class just because we have to be in the back row?" I assumed. I started to understand why he was so jealous of me. He thought what he did was more than me, but I got more fame than him.

He turned to me.

"Not unuseful, doctor. But the tanks are the real protector here. We sacrifice our bodies and flesh to protect others. We have to muster our courage to face whatever is in front of us. What we do is more heroic and noble than what you are doing behind the row," he said in a cynical tone.

His short bitter chuckle followed.

"Unfortunately, we never accepted any compliment about it since it was our job. I never accept any compliment out of my heroic act. But look at you. You are just doing your job and suddenly they call you a hero. It disgusts me. "

So yeah, he simply hated me because of my class and envied me because of my ability which has attracted many people's attention. In other words, he had held the grudge against all combat doctors in this world from the start, it was just that my instant fame made him even angrier.