Chaotic Mission I

Seven Sins System Chapter 124. Chaotic Mission I

Still, that didn't mean things went easy. I could catch some of the screams coming from the other direction. Some small-level monsters liked to jump on mortals out of curiosity. It made several students scream in shock and panic. It was a fatal thing since on the battlefield, screams would only show our location to the enemy and invite more monsters. That was why the mentors looked a lot tenser than the last mission.

"Remember. Keep calm and don't scream. That is a fatal mistake for a warrior," I reminded them once again while tailing them. I put my hands behind my waist and trod casually along the small river side as if I walked in the park. The sky above us was getting darker and the trees were getting denser. Since I didn't find any good opponent, my Greed tentacles followed me as worms that moved swiftly through the soil, and some followed me as mosquitoes.

They answered me with a nod. Their eyes swept around in caution. Their hands gripped their weapons tightly, ready to attack anyone who tried to ambush or attack us. They made no sound other than the rustling that came whenever their feet stepped on leaves and twigs.

A couple of steps later, a quick movement that came from behind me, made me realize that something was attacking me. I stopped my steps.

"Darren," I called him calmly.

Upon my call, Darren quickly turned around, raised his bow, and shot his arrow. Faster than the wind, the arrow flew a couple of centimeters past the side of my head. I didn't flinch at all. Then I could hear a shriek of pain once it penetrated the body of my attacker, a brown lice monster the size of a basketball.

The sound of rustling leaves followed once the monster fell to the ground and died instantly. Its green blood wet the soil. Its name was Brown Lice. It was a level 4 monster so he could kill it in one shot.

"One shot! Woohoo!" Darren shouted in a low voice, almost like a hiss to celebrate his little victory. But then he was back on guard and concentrated on his surroundings.

Meanwhile, instead of following them, I kicked the monster's corpse to turn it around. My eyes fell on the monster's body. Several types of insect monsters like to attack in groups so I decided to check which one of this.

"Oh no..." I muttered once I noticed a foul-smelling yellow liquid coming from its ass. It was a liquid marker in case that creature got lost. Which meant, this monster was coming in groups, but somehow it was separated from the others. Its group should be around here.

Wasting no time, I turned two of my tentacles into birds. They flew between the trees to inspect our surroundings. These monsters' size was nothing compared to the trees around us and they were good at hiding so there was a high possibility that the drones did not detect them.

At the same time, I ran to my team and stopped them.

"Wait!" I ordered.

All of them stopped their steps and turned to me. They looked tense since my call was not a good sign.

"That monster is not alone," I warned once I stopped near them.

"Are you serious?" said Barry in shock and disbelief. The others also showed the same reaction.

They immediately swept their gazes around the surroundings, expecting an ambush from those little monsters.

While I concentrated on what my tentacles saw. Dozens, no hundreds of lice monsters were on the trunks and watched some mortals walking beneath them. They had the same body color as the trunks so they could camouflage easily.

"Yes. But they're not targeting us…" I answered them after a short pause.

"Then who?" asked Claire, turning to me.

Before I said a word, a scream answered her question. It came from the west which was followed by the sound of a loud battle. Based on the map and area, that was where Team 5 was.

Spontaneously, my team raised their weapons and was just about to storm toward it. But I extended my arm to the side, preventing them from moving from their position.

Claire turned to me and frowned.

"Why?" Her question sounded like a complaint. As usual, even though she was my succubus, her personality didn't change. She would do what she thought was right.

"This mission is training. We cannot interfere with it, except if the academy says so or the mentor announces that his/her team needs help," I stated firmly. I knew they wanted to help their friend but rules are rules. The students or mentors should not break it for any reason as long as that team could still fight or didn't ask for help.

If we helped them without their request and they could beat those monsters without our help then it would create new problems between the two teams. And they could blame our team.

On the other hand, I was not sure Team 5 could handle it due to a large number of attacks. Moreover, even though Brown Lice was a low-level monster, they drank blood like a vampire. Dealing with a large number of them was not a good thing. It could cost their lives.

Soon a male voice came from my communication device.

"Team 5 is requesting reinforcement. A group of Brown Lice is attacking us. I repeat we are under attack by a horde of Brown Lice!" His panic was clear in his voice.

I raised my device near my mouth.

"Team 8 is on the way. We are near," I replied as a sign that we would immediately help him before I lowered my hand. "That's our sign," I said.

After they answered me with a nod, we ran through the forest to where the screams mixed with ruckus came from.

Illustration of the Woods is in my discord channel.

>Read the original on

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