The Devil Trial

Seven Sins System Chapter 188. The Devil Trial

I held the phone tightly to my ear, waiting for him to reveal the details of my trial, but his silence echoed in my ear. I could feel my patience wearing thin as the seconds ticked by. "Are you going to say it or not?" I finally spoke up, my voice laced with impatience.

There was a moment of hesitation before my father responded, his voice quick and rushed. "I will. I will," he assured me. But his tone had taken on a gloomier edge, and I could feel a sense of foreboding. It was clear that he actually didn't want to say it.

"It's just that I'm not sure," he added, his words weighed down by uncertainty.

Upon his statement, I could feel my temper flaring up, my irritation growing by the second. "Seriously?! You've thrown me into dreadful drills before. Don't give me that shit now!" I snapped, the anger in my voice ringing out.

After the calamity, he was the one who threw me into intense training. I almost died a dozen times and he didn't flinch or even have mercy on me. He even kept pushing me to keep going, or harsher punishment was waiting for me. Then now, why was he suddenly unsure about my trial?

I was no stranger to battle. I had fought and won thousands of battles, and I knew every strategy, and every move to make when the battle wasn't going in my favor. So his hesitation was making me uneasy.

"Trust me. This trial is different from before," he warned, his words hesitant and heavy. "This will be more personal. You will fight with yourself and face your inner fear. I'm afraid..." His words trailed off, and the line went silent once again.

My father's hesitation had me on edge, and as the silence stretched on, my mind raced with possibilities. When he finally spoke, his words only added to my growing unease. "So you are afraid that I will fall into insanity," I said, cutting straight to the heart of the matter.

"More and less..." he muttered, his voice heavy with regret.

I let out a deep sigh, unable to deny the truth of his words. "Just say it. Let me decide," I said, my tone much calmer than before.

There was another short silence, his hesitation palpable even through the phone. But finally, he spoke again, his voice low and serious. "Ever heard of Echoing Hall?" he asked.

A frown creased my forehead at the mention of the name. "That torture hall?" I asked, my voice tight with apprehension.

Echoing Hall was a name that sent shivers down the spine of every creature in the known universe, both mortals and angels. Located in the deepest level of hell, Echoing Hall was said to be a place of unparalleled suffering, where the damned souls were forced to confront the deepest, darkest parts of themselves within their dream. It contained the power to extract the memories and experiences of everyone who entered, forcing them to face their past mistakes and regrets. It was a place of nightmares, a realm of terror that even the bravest of warriors feared to face.

"Yes," he said.

"So that is my trial?" I asked, cutting straight to the heart of the matter.

His response was a solemn nod. "Yes. To break your seal, you need to get through it and open your eyes by yourself," he explained.

My frown deepened, my mind racing with questions and doubts. "I just found out that it can be used to torture a devil. Aren't we soulless?" I asked, my confusion evident in my voice. Devil was the torturer so the idea the torturer got tortured in his own playground sounded so wrong.

My father's response was measured and serious. "We don't have souls, but we do have pasts and regrets. And those can be used to torture us in ways you can't ever imagine," he claimed.

A wave of trepidation washed over me. The thought of facing the torments of Echoing Hall filled me with doubt. But at the same time, I couldn't deny that the prospect of breaking the seal that had bound me was too enticing to resist.

I paused for a moment, gathering my thoughts and weighing my options. Finally, I spoke up. "I agree. Just tell me when," I said, my voice betraying none of the doubt that churned inside me.

Experiencing torture like a damned soul surely sucks, but having low power sucks even more. As a devil, I couldn't afford to be in this weakened state for too long. Mortals were fun to play with, but staying too long with them might make my heart soften, and I couldn't allow that. I was a devil, and I should not pity mortals.

My father's response was a tired sigh. "Okay. I will arrange a time for you. I have had a long meeting and such lately," he said wearily.

His words sparked a memory, a flicker of a conversation that I had with Asmo before. I couldn't help but ask, my curiosity getting the best of me.

"Oh right, I heard the discussion with the light realm didn't go well. What happened?" I questioned, hoping for some insight.

I could hear the displeasure in his voice as he replied, "Where did you hear that?"

My lips pressed together, regret flooding through me. 'Oops, I slipped out,' I admitted to myself, knowing that I had planned to ask him, but not directly like this.

I tried to calm him down, "Let's say a friend of mine accidentally mentioned this to me."

His tone became firm as he asked, "From six of them, which one?" Of course, he meant the other seven lords of sins.

I tried to negotiate, "Just answer what happened."

His answer was emphatic as he replied, "No."

I stood my ground, not willing to let him off the hook so easily. "Then I also won't say what I found here," I threatened, not willing to back down.

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