Unexpected Guest II

Seven Sins System Chapter 291. Unexpected Guest II

Finally, breaking the silence that had settled between us, I spoke, my tone carrying a blend of curiosity and concern. "Does this have anything to do with the mentors, teachers, or students of the academy?" My words flowed seamlessly as my hands continued their task.

Aria's response was measured, her words carrying an air of guarded certainty. "I don't believe so," she replied, her voice tempered by the practicality of her assessment. "Fortunately, I was able to contain the situation before it escalated. So, no one needs to know," she said with a shrug.

"Oh… Good to hear that," I continued tidying my belongings, their placement within the wardrobe reflecting a desire for both order and a moment of distraction from the conversation that had just unfolded.

"How was your trip?" Her question was casual, a seemingly innocent inquiry that masked the complexity of the world we inhabited.

Pausing in my task, I turned to face her, the corners of my lips curving upward into a practiced smile. "It was good," I replied. With a soft exhale, I decided to share a bit more. "My dad's condition is better than I expected," I revealed, the words tinged with a mixture of relief and gratitude.

Aria's smile held a hint of warmth. "It's definitely an advantage to have a doctor's insight," she mused, her gaze holding mine.

I nodded in agreement. "True. Though, even with my knowledge, I have to adhere to the standard medical procedures," I admitted, my tone humble. "By the way, you did not go anywhere this weekend?" The question tumbled from my lips, a casual inquiry masking the intensity of my desire for information.

Aria's response carried a note of idleness, her voice tinged with a hint of boredom. "No. Just a bit bored, so I've been chatting with some of the students," she sighed, her words punctuated by a small huff.

"Perfect," I muttered, my mind already churning with the possibilities.

Aria's gaze flickered to me, her eyes sharp and perceptive. "Curious about who I've been talking to?" she quirked an eyebrow, her expression a mix of amusement and curiosity.

I shrugged nonchalantly, my feigned indifference masking the eager anticipation that simmered beneath the surface. "Your team, maybe?" I ventured, hoping that her conversations had offered a glimpse into the inner workings of the recent cult activity.

Aria's response was unexpected, her words delivering a twist that I hadn't foreseen. "Not quite. It's Fiona and the boys from your team," she revealed.

Suppressing a cringe that threatened to betray my inner turmoil, I fought to keep a composed exterior. 'Seriously, are you oblivious? They're utterly useless!' I raged inwardly, unable to fathom her choice.

"Oh, them?" I queried, my voice a veneer of deceptive calmness that belied the storm within me. "You're interested in them?" I inquired, my tone incredulous yet carefully controlled.

"No. I want to know about you…" she said with a wistful smile.

'So after you suspected me, you flirted with me? For my father's sake… Please concentrate on your mission!' I complained internally. But of course, I said otherwise. "You want to know about me? Why?" I asked her with a frown.

Suppressing my mounting irritation, I allowed a façade of curiosity to shade my features. "And why, exactly, are you so curious about me?" I queried, my brow furrowing slightly in apparent puzzlement.

She smiled sweetly. "That's a secret…" she said in a teasing tone.

"Right…" I said with a huff.

"But for sure ..." She came to me and hugged me tightly. "I'm glad you're back, Allen," she whispered gratefully.

A sudden rush of memories inundated my consciousness, crashing over me like a tidal wave. It was as if a floodgate had been opened, releasing a torrent of moments and emotions that I had long buried within the recesses of my mind.

In an instant, I found myself transported back to a time when life was simpler, when the weight of responsibilities had yet to cast their shadow upon my shoulders. I saw her—Riri, my childhood friend.

The memories flowed like a river, each scene unfolding before me with startling clarity. I remembered the mischievous glint in her eyes as she dared me to climb the tallest tree, our laughter mingling with the songs of birds that seemed to serenade our every adventure. We were inseparable, bound by a friendship that felt unbreakable.

But then, like a dark cloud obscuring the sun, the memories shifted. I saw myself standing alone at our usual meeting spot, heart heavy with an inexplicable ache. Riri's absence had left a void in my life, a void that grew with each passing day. I could still hear the echoes of my own voice calling out for her, hoping against hope that she would reappear, her laughter carrying on the wind.

The pain that surged within me was palpable, a visceral ache that seemed to radiate from my chest. It was as if the weight of years of longing and loss had suddenly converged upon me, leaving me breathless. The realization hit me like a physical blow—the girl I had cherished, the friend who had shared in my laughter and dreams, had vanished without a trace.

I pushed Aria away, my chest heaving with a mixture of emotions that I couldn't quite put into words. The pain of Riri's betrayal clawed at me, tearing through my defenses like a relentless storm.

In that moment, it wasn't like the times when I had entered the Echoing Chamber and witnessed memories as if watching a movie. No, this was different. This was visceral as if I was reliving the very emotions that had once consumed me. "I was waiting for you, why didn't you come…" I muttered.

"Allen, are you okay?" she asked in worry about my pale face.

I offered her a weak smile, attempting to downplay the intensity of what I had just experienced.

"Yeah," I managed to respond, my voice a tad shaky despite my efforts to appear steady.

Her eyes held a mixture of sympathy and curiosity, a reflection of the genuine connection that had formed between us over time. "What happened?" she asked, her voice soft with concern.

"I remember something…" I began, my voice a mere whisper carried on the weight of my own breath.

Aria's gaze never wavered, her eyes locked onto mine with an unwavering intensity. "Remember what?" she inquired gently, her expression a mixture of curiosity and empathy.

I hesitated for a moment, my mind grappling with how to put into words a pain that had haunted me for so long. Finally, I met her gaze.

"A friend's betrayal…" The words left my lips with a mixture of resignation and bitterness.

 >Read the original on https://m.webnovel.com/book/seven-sins-system_23117939105028405

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