Allen's Three Rules

"Now that all of us are on Planet Earth, I as your Classroom Representative will be held accountable if any of you do any stupid things. To prevent that, I will brief you on my rules."

Allen looked around at his classmates, and seeing that none of them dared to respond, he proceeded.

"First of all, don't kill any humans. Aliens, you can kill. I won't even stop you if you kill yourself since you are also an alien. But, do not kill any humans, or else it might affect our grades. If it weren't for decreasing our grades, I would have allowed you to do it."

When Allen explained why he wouldn't allow them to kill humans, they nodded as if they knew what he meant.

Allen was right as they also didn't want to lose their grades just for some mere human lives. They could care less about what those hairless apes do as long as they don't offend them.

"But what if they offend us? Do we sit back and be passive?"