Idle Zenchillionare Tycoon Joins The Chat Group!

"Are you interested in a win-win deal?"

When Allen asked that question to the protagonist, he didn't forget to use his and other talents that would prove him any aid in convincing the protagonist.

"But before we proceed with the deal, can I ask for your name? I am Allen Walker, a student at Manipulator's Academy, nice to meet you."

Allen asked again and this time, he asked about his name to build rapport with him while introducing himself afterward.

"Deus S. Zero. To be honest, I am quite interested in the Manipulator's Academy then your deal."

"You didn't even hear of my deal and trust me, it is several times better than enrolling at Manipulator's Academy."

In reply to Deus's question, Allen snorted as he replied to him by giving him more suspense on what his deal was.