Introduction Of <Supremes> And Allen's Anger

"So… what do we do now?"

A young teen with noticeable green-colored hair and a police cap asked the entire class. He was the .

"What else do we do other than introduce ourselves? How about I'll go first. I am known as the . But you can call me by name which is Haya Buza."

The young teen with black disheveled hair and a black mask that covered his nose and mouth introduced himself as the .

"Nice to meet you, Buza. My name is Lei Law. I am known as the but I'm called as 'L' by my friends."

The young teen wearing a police cap introduced himself as the or otherwise known as Lei Law or L.

There were currently 16 students attending their class including Allen and Iris so after two have already introduced themselves, only 12 were left excluding Allen and Iris.

"Do I need to introduce myself to these peasants?"