Taste Of The Lord's French Fries

Allen, Iris, and their classmates went outside their classroom as they all headed toward the school field.

When they arrived at the school field, they noticed countless pieces of french fries that were littered a meter above the ground.

Not only that, it seemed that the french fries rain had caught the attention of the within the Supreme Academy so there were several of their schoolmates that had arrived at the school field.

Of course, their schoolmates were several hundred meters away from them considering how huge the area of the school field was. To be exact, it was like 10 football fields combined to create the Supreme Academy's school field.

Minding their own business, Allen, Iris, and his classmates went towards the pile of french fries that were levitating a meter above the ground.

"How do we split all of this up?"

Carrion, the and , asked his classmates.