A Matchmaker's <<Minor Fate Manipulation>>

"Took you long enough to return."

Hawser commented to his students after noticing their late return.

"I apologize. The Lord's french fries were just too tasty. If it wasn't for Allen creating containers for us, we would have stayed longer outside."

Jade apologized to her adviser while occasionally eating french fries. And it was quite unusual that she could talk normally while eating food at the same time. She must have trained herself on eating while talking.

"Apology accepted. And besides, you guys don't need to attend your class. I'm already glad that all of you didn't skip classes. Since I have heard from my colleagues that their class was almost empty due to most of their students skipping classes."

Hawser accepted Jade's apology while telling his students how grateful he was that they even decided to attend classes.

"So have you already decided on who will present their talent next?"

Hawser asked his students.