Why In Chess, It's Called As Checkmate?

"You are correct. And remember that it wasn't stated in the rules of chess that this type of strategy isn't allowed. And although we can continue the chess match since all of that happened was only a simulation, I know that I will be defeated yet again."

"So, you win this chess match, Allen Walker, the

Carrion conceded defeat as he forfeited the chess match, resulting in Allen's win.

Allen won by 1 win and 1 draw while Carrion lost by 1 loss and 1 draw. So, Allen got 1.5 points while Carrion only got 0.5 points. Since 1 win is 1 point while a draw is 0.5 points.

Therefore, the chess match ended with Allen's win.

Carrion could only sigh at the fact that he was defeated too easily by Allen and from what he had observed from Allen, Allen wasn't even sweating nor had a tense expression on his face as it was still the neutral expression on his face before the start of the chess match.