Allen And Asther Are Indeed Brothers!

"How have mother and father treated you after you become the

Asther asked Allen as he leaned on the couch while sipping on the tea that Allen had created before.

Allen had programmed the teacup to generate tea when it had run out. Not only that, but the tea also doesn't spill even if it was turned upside down and the teacup also doesn't break.

It was the best tea cup and tea that a tea enthusiast could ever ask for and even Asther was impressed that Allen could create such a thing in just mere seconds when even he needed a day to invent that.

"Well… My mother and Father treated me as usual. They ignored me and never contacted me even after I became a ."

Allen answered Asther's question regarding their parents.

As Allen had replied to Asther, he never received any calls or messages from his parents even when he became a .