Allen Will Help His Classmates If It Only Slightly Inconveniences Him

\Hugh and Asther: They have.\

The and confirmed in unison Buza's words about the Supreme Academy's gadget that could see through Buza's transformation technique.

\Buza: How did the two of you know?\

Buza was confused as to how Hugh and Asther knew about the Supreme Academy's gadgets.

\Asther: Hugh, me and along with the had often been commissioned by the Supreme Academy to create specific gadgets for their exclusive use.\

\Buza: In other words, you guys have unknowingly assisted the Supreme Academy in increasing their security?\

After asking that question, Buza couldn't help but facepalm at how stupid the two of them were.

\Hugh: I apologize, okay? I didn't expect that there will be a day when I will defy the Supreme Academy.\