Iris Aria Becomes Overpowered?!

Because of that, [The Eternal Entertainment Seeker] despite being incapable of affecting the Katake Multiverse was still a fearsome Supreme Being since he was said to be favored by [The Storyteller] himself.

And it was said that almost all of the time, [The Eternal Entertainment Seeker] and [The Storyteller] chatted with each other via an unknown chatting platform that was exclusive only to the two of them.

Since the one who will grant his wish was [The Storyteller] himself, Allen doesn't have to worry about those Supreme Beings removing his wish.

With that in his mind, Allen made up his mind on what wish he will ask Lord Zenchi.

"My wish is for Iris to be immune to any mental, soul, and physical attacks. Or in other words, immune to any attacks."