It's Quite Unusual

\Buza: I apologize for my late reply, but when you sent that message, I was in the middle of knocking out a staff member of the Supreme Academy and storing his body in a storage scroll. And I have already used my transformation technique to transform into the appearance of that Supreme Academy staff member.\

\Buza: It won't be a long time before I can acquire inside information about the Supreme Academy's current actions.\

\Allen: Good work, Buza. And for those who have forgotten, I have already placed the Anti-Spy 2000 in the house of the and it will activate at 8:30 AM. Since all of us already have alibis, the chances of us being under the suspicion of the Supreme Academy are low.\

Allen assured them that they would likely not be implicated in the spy gadget incident that he would cause using his Anti-Spy 2000. And that was the reason Allen insisted that all of them would attend class, so that all of them would have an alibi.