It's All A Dream (9)

A week has already gone by and Allen hasn't used his system yet. And the Supreme Luck System also didn't persuade him to use itself or even converse with Allen.

But during the week, Allen had proved that he had indeed awakened a ability, therefore making him a Supreme.

Just like what Asther had guessed, his ability was luck related, and so he deserved to earn the title of . As for how Allen tested his luck, he played numerous games that relied on luck, or at least had some element of luck in them.

Allen had played chess first since it was not only strategic and relied on the mind, but it often relied on luck as well. Although he wasn't that good at chess, considering he only has 2100 ELO rating, he defeated a Chess International Master in a rapid chess match, and that Chess IM has 2700 ELO rating.