It's All A Dream (16)

'Damn it! What were her words again? I knew it was something important, yet I had forgotten about it!'

Allen cursed in his mind as he tried whatever he could just to remember her words again.

He didn't know how long he had kept on meditating in the void, but he knew that it was the same amount of time that he had spent wandering in the void. In other words, he had spent trillions of years just remembering his lover's words.

And just when he was about to give up and wander into the void again, he remembered it!

'Amor Vincit Omnia'

At first, he didn't know why she had told him about that quote, of all things that she could have said to him. But after spending time with Asther and having to torture the system, he now knew what she meant.

The quote known as "Amor Vincit Omnia" was from a language known as Latin. In English, it means "Love conquers all".