Even Serial Killers Have Bottomlines But Not The <Supreme Psychic>

Allen rarely got to do things on his own, considering he left the espionage job to Haya Buza and the information gathering job to Selena Page. And due to that, he was bored staying in his house doing nothing.

Although, he wasn't bored with his love-making session with Iris whenever they both had the time to do so.

With that thought in his mind, Allen used his and talent to locate and hunt the Supreme Psychic.

"Found him!"

It didn't take long for him to find out about the Supreme Psychic's current location since his talents that were in his talent were just too overpowered and versatile.

With his and , he obtained as much information as he could about the identity and capabilities of the Supreme Psychic.

And all he could say about the Supreme Psychic was…

"Disappointing. Truly disappointing."