The Elemental Affinity Test

"I have to say, your control over your mana surpassed all of the mages that I have met in my entire life. Even the strongest mage that was registered at the Mage's Association couldn't hold a candle to your level of mana control."

"You passed this test as well."

William declared Allen passed the mana control test as he walked towards a wall and injected his mana towards that wall, causing it to open up an entrance that led to another testing room.

After entering the testing room, William informed them.

"This is the last test that will determine your rank as a mage. The element affinity test."

When they entered the testing room, William presented the device that would test Allen's elemental affinities.

Unlike before, it wasn't the crystal ball mounted on top of a pillar. But it was a crystal pillar with spiky crystal shards beside it that protruded from the ground.