Distere Was Going To Be Executed?

Allen's mana was a darker shade of blue due to his dense mana which meant that his mana quality was a lot higher than the average mage. After all, the Mage's Association had already registered him as an 8th Circle Mage and accepted him as the Supreme Mage, the strongest mage in existence.

Of course, Allen anticipated that there would be troubles that came along with his Supreme Mage title and not to mention being Alisceon's magic teacher. It was without a doubt cause him troubles such as being involved in royal politics. But since he had already accepted Alisceon as his little sister, he would help her and support her in her every action.

That was what he would do as the Supreme Brother. He would support her little sister even if she decided to destroy the world. Unlike a certain mathematician chat group member of his that did otherwise.

While Allen was overseeing Alisceon's magic practice, he was startled when he received a message from his chat group members.