Allen's Personality Shifts And Human Evolutions

Allen's eyes opened wide in an instant as his body levitated a meter above his bed. His magic robe flew out from the wardrobe which instantly swapped with the pajamas that he was wearing.

Moving his body in a T pose, Allen used his mana to make his magic robe flutter as if it was blown by the wind.

"It's time!"

Allen declared in a dramatic tone which awoke Iris from her slumber.

At that time, the now awakened Iris glared at Allen. The two of them were maintaining eye contact with each other until Iris threw her pillow on Allen's face accurately.

Allen didn't dodge as the pillow slammed into his face. His body propelled towards the wall as his body was planted on the wall. He acted as if Iris' pillow throw contained a lot of strength which in reality, did not.

"What caused you to be overdramatic to the point of using your talent?"

Iris inquired to Allen as she rubbed her eyes sleepily.