Attacking The Zeus Kingdom!

When Allen thought of such a possibility, he looked forward to dealing with the Zeus Kingdom using his undead army.

"With my speed alone, I can travel around the world in an instant. But there are restricted areas in this world that have been protected by the gods of this world so I won't enter those places unless it's time for the chat group members and I to defeat slay the heretic gods."

"I already obtained the coordinates of the Zeus Kingdom so I should just deal with it as soon as possible."

Allen muttered to himself. He already made up his mind to destroy the Zeus Kingdom as soon as possible.

Allen was already bored with traveling to the Zeus Kingdom since he had already gotten used to the scenery in this world. In other words, there was no point for him to travel to the Zeus Kingdom by flight.

With just his thought alone, Allen disappeared in sight and reappeared in the vicinity of the Zeus Kingdom's borders.