Holy Light Sect

Some time later.

"Look at that, it's the Overturned Ark Mountain," Li Baoyi suddenly shouted as he pointed to the west.

The pondering Yi Yun stared in the direction he was pointing at only to be immediately startled.

Far ahead, he saw a very large mountain, it was much higher than their height even though they were already far from the ground. Who knows how far that mountain is.

As the name suggests, the shape of the mountain does look like an overturned ark.

"Turns out it really exists," said another.

"We will soon arrive at the sect." Senior Luo suddenly opened his eyes.

He stared at the mountain, sighing before looking the other way.

"Senior, is it true that that mountain was really an ark once?" Li Baoyi asked.

The others looked at Senior Luo with curious expressions.

"Yes," he answered.

"Have you ever heard of the history of the mountain?"

The children shook their heads. Lin Diao, seemed to know a little, so he replied, "I've heard that the ark was made by a young genius as a dowry for the family of his lover who rejected their relationship. They wanted his girlfriend to marry another man. Angry, the young man kicked the ark. It was said that it actually came from a different realm, but that young man's kick was so strong that it finally landed here."

Senior Luo nodded after he heard Lin Diao's words. "You're right, it's a true story. After that ark fell here, the area around here was finally referred to as the Overturned Ark Mountain Domain. We are currently in the 41 Rivers Region, which means there are forty-one rivers that we need to cross to reach that mountain.

"Do you know who the genius is and the rest of the story?"

Lin Diao shook his head.

"Haha." Senior Luo smiled before continuing, "It's a long story, so I'll tell you briefly.

"That youth eventually became a Monarch, who came to be known as the Iron Monarch."

"A Monarch." The children looked surprised, it seemed that even they knew the meaning of the title even though they were from the mortal world.

"Monarchs are supreme existences in the Seven Realms and Four Great Worlds, appearing only once in a generation which usually ranges in time from 10,000 years."

"With his army, the Iron Monarch then went to his lover's family (Holy Light Clan). He killed the man who tried to steal his lover in front of them, making them cry for mercy."

"T--then did the Iron Monarch marry his lover?" Mei Mei asked. Although she is a bit shy, she seems to be very interested in this romantic story.

"Unfortunately not," Senior Luo replied, making the children's expressions freeze.

"Why?" Mei Mei Asked again.

"Who knows." Senior Luo shook his head.

"His lover, Shengguang Menglai, suddenly chose to go to this region, she secluded herself here and later founded the Holy Light Sect, which is our sect. The Iron Monarch himself has never been seen to visit her, nor has the sect he founded ever sent anyone to her sect until now."

The origins of this sect shocked the children, but compared to that, the relationship between the Iron Monarch and his lover seemed to catch their eye even more.

"Did they break up?"

"Dao pursuers' love is as sacred as heaven, they can separate, but not break up, I think there must be another reason," Senior Luo replied.

"Well, it's been a very, very long time, maybe they've been together, who knows?"

"That's right, it must be like that, after all, a Monarch is an almighty being, even if they separate, it must only be temporary, after that they get back together," Mei Mei muttered.

Yi Yun who was listening from the side pondered for a while and thought, 'It seems that there are many legendary figures in this world.'

Not long after, he saw an enormous island flying ahead. It had a large village full of ancient buildings in the center.

Beneath the island, there was an enormous forest, seemingly boundless.

There was an enormous tornado connecting the forest and the island. Uniquely, the tornado was like a tame animal. It didn't even blow wind into the area around it.

Some people go up and some people go down through the tornado, it looks like an elevator on earth.

"Sect…" The children's eyes quickly lit up.

As soon as the bird arrived above the flying island, it landed the stone platform in an open area near the village. There were some some other birds there, some people went with those other birds.

"Follow me," Senior Luo said before stepping into the village.

Upon entering the village, Yi Yun could faintly sense a kind of radiation, perhaps it was something called aura. It radiated from the people of the village. He felt quite comfortable the moment it touched his body.

The others showed expressions of admiration as if they had arrived in heaven.

Senior Luo simply shook his head upon seeing their expressions, he said, "Our sect is very weak right now, in the past, we had ten thousand flying islands that were connected to each other by a continent at their center. But now we only have one island and this is also the smallest one, so you can imagine the difference."

"Why are we being weak?" Li Baoyi asked, now that he finally knows the difference between a strong sect and a declining sect.

"You will find out later," Senior Luo replied. "Alright, I'll explain a little bit about this sect.

"We have 400 Ordinary Disciples, 20 Core Disciples with Xiantian cultivation, and 10 Elders with Core Formation cultivation.

"We also have three halls called the Hall of Sunlight, Hall of Moonlight, and Hall of Alchemy. Later, you will choose one of the Halls."

At this time, three youths suddenly stopped in front of them so they also stopped. They cupped their fists at Senior Luo and greeted him.

"Senior, you're finally back, looks like you recruited quite a number of disclipes today," said one of them. He spoke very kindly.

"They're not bad," Senior Luo replied without explaining that they were just lucky.

"Now then, children, each of them represents one of the halls, you may follow one of them. Yang Ming, Yuan Shao, Tang Xing, explain about your hall."

Yang Ming was the first to speak. "I'm from the Sunlight Hall, here, you will practice the Holy Sunlight Merit Law, the advantage of our light is a stronger attack. If you like direct combat, our hall is the most suitable. However, we have the most members, so there are more rivals."

Then Yuan Shao continued, "We practice the Holy Moonlight Merit Law, our light is dim, our attacks aren't as strong as those produced by the Holy Sunlight, but we have terrifying sneak attack abilities. Basically, we are skilled assassins."

"Ehemmm." Tang Xing suddenly cleared his throat before saying, "If you don't like fighting and the cruel competition of the cultivation world, our Alchemy Hall is the right choice. By becoming Alchemists, you can refine pills, heal wounds and illnesses, help others cultivate. These things may sound as if you are just being a maid, but Alchemists are always respected.

"However, to become an Alchemist, you need to condense transparent spiritual essence, this is the most refined, gentle, and so easy to control spiritual essence that it can produce life energy but is so weak that it is impossible for you to fight an enemy of the same cultivation level as you. Even to suppress someone with a cultivation base below yours is not easy even if you have greater energy.

"Even so, there are other advantages that Alchemists have. Others can only live up to 200 years in the Xiantian realm, but we can live up to 250 years. We also don't have to worry about problems such as cultivation deviation because our strength is very easy to control. Our senses are also much sharper, so our observations are much better."

Tang Xing did the most of the talking, but his words seemed the least interesting. Senior Luo finally added, "There are advantages and disadvantages to every field, no one is perfect, but every road leads to the same thing. If you continue to advance on the path of Alchemy, in the future you may be able to cultivate the Celestial Body and Celestial Soul techniques, at that time, you will also be able to become strong."

"Senior Luo, you brought a cauldron, are you an Alchemist?" Qin Wuxin suddenly asked, which was quite surprising.

Her question somehow made Tang Xing and the other two's expressions freeze, Senior Luo himself was silent for a while before smiling. He shook his head, "I'm not an Alchemist for now," he replied.

"Okay, now it's time to make your choices," he continued, not seeming to want to say much more about it.

"I'm going to the Hall of Sunlight." Li Baoyi was still the first to vote.

"Me too," continued Lin Diao.

Cai Yan also chose the Hall of Sunlight.

The stupid looking Meng Hao finally followed them.

The Qin triplets are discussing,

In the end, Qin Tian and Qin Feng chose the Moonlight Hall while Qin Wuxin chose the Sunlight Hall.

Surprisingly, Mei Mei suddenly said, "my grandfather is a healer, he always wanted me to be a great Alchemist, so I will join the Alchemy Hall."

No one questioned her choice, now they were looking at Yi Yun, who had yet to choose.

The latter was still silent, he was in shock now that the mysterious woman had suddenly given him a suggestion.

"Choose the Alchemy Hall," she said.

"Why should I choose the Alchemy Hall?" Yi Yun asked.

Although Tang Xing said that Alchemists were always respected, Yi Yun thought it was not completely reliable. On earth, scientists or doctors were also respected, but still, they were also vulnerable in front of the rulers.

"Choosing another Hall is fine too, but the Alchemy Hall is more suitable when you're an Alchemist so you don't seem weird."

"I mean why should I become an Alchemist?"

"I know what you mean, don't interrupt, I'm not done talking yet. The reason you have to become an Alchemist is because it is the best I can teach you in depth and is more suited to your ordinary talent. And don't think that the Alchemy I teach you is the same as the others. Besides, I will also teach you things that will make you very strong in the future. To study them, you need a higher talent."

"Okay, I will follow your words," Yi Yun replied.

He didn't plan on speaking at length, even though he didn't know anything about the woman.

He's not a Pistanthrophobe who can't trust anyone or a naive person who always believes in other people.

Whether he would trust others or not would be considered once he knew their intricacies. For a reason, even the most cunning and selfish criminals can be trusted.

This woman seems to be the one who sent her to this world, her strength is definitely not small. Being able to know and get the guidance of such a person naturally was a good thing.

After that, he finally mentioned his choice. "Alchemy Hall," he said, surprising Senior Luo and the others.

"Yi Yun, are you sure?" Senior Luo asked with a serious expression.

Tang Xing and the other two who were clueless looked at Senior Luo, they looked confused as to why the latter was questioning his choice.

At this time, Li Baoyi also said, "Brother Yi, being an Alchemist has many shortcomings, you can't fight and you will also serve many people, it's better to join us."

"No, I've made up my mind," Yi Yun replied calmly, without the slightest bit of hesitation.

"Alright, since that's what you want, I'm sure you have your reasons," Senior Luo said.