Plant Manifestations

The moment Yi Yun opened his eyes the phenomena in the sky instantly disappeared. At the same time, the white cauldron that he saw as he closed his eyes suddenly appeared in front of him.

Seeing it gave him a sensation like seeing his own limbs, he also felt like he could control it freely.

"It worked," he said, surprised.

"Congratulations." He immediately heard Xia Xinghe's voice.

"It's thanks to you," he replied.

With a thought, the cauldron moved as he wished.

He touched it, it was cold as iron in the snow and hard as if he couldn't crush it no matter what he did.

"Come inside, I want to see how unique this cauldron is because you created it at the starting point of your cultivation, this is something that has never been done before," Xinghe said, slightly surprising Yi Yun.

"Am I really the first?" he asked as he appeared in front of her.

"Yeah, because you were the only person who touched the Alchemy of Heavan's Path while still a mortal."

"How could it be." Yi Yun was even more shocked.

"That's the reality."

Xia Xinghe then inspected the cauldron while Yi Yun tried to feel the strength in his body.

The difference was clear, the spiritual essence in his heart made him feel extremely powerful.

His senses are also much sharper, he can see ants ten meters away very clearly.

He took out that Spiritual Essence from his Heart Space so that he could see it in person, it was something that everyone could do.

After it left his body, he touched it with his hand.

'Wonderful, although this transparent spiritual essence is weak, it is still a power far above ordinary humans,' he thought. 'However, I also have a very good cultivation foundation, I can use that to overcome the gap in terms of difference in spiritual essence strength. Without fighting techniques is fine too, I can rely on my cauldron. Overall, I shouldn't be so weak when compared to ordinary cultivators.'

When Xia Xinghe started to touch his cauldron, Yi Yun couldn't help but feel strange because the moment her hand touched the cauldron, he also felt the sensation of her touch.

Noticing his strangeness, Xia Xinghe glanced at him and quickly withdrew her hand.

"Try to increase the size," she said.

Yi Yun found he could do just that, it was also easy, like taking a deep breath.

The size of the cauldron began to rapidly expand until it was three meters long from side to side.

Xia Xinghe began to observe more closely.

Yi Yun, on the other hand, began to examine what else he could do.

After a while, he was finally surprised.

He immediately did what he found, causing Xia Xinghe who was observing the cauldron to be shocked.

It suddenly melted as if there was extreme heat but no heat at all, it was still cold.

When it melted, Yi Yun discovered he could change his shape however he wanted.

He can also separate it into parts, so he can make several things.

As it became a sword, Yi Yun held the hilt, he said, "does that mean now I am creating a sword from the heart."

"Don't fantasize," Xia Xinghe replied, "you can change the form, but not the essence. The sword of the heart, even if its strength is weakened to the point of becoming a mortal sword, it is still something that can rule over all swords. But, this is indeed quite surprising. Since you can transform it into various forms, your advantage in fighting also increases compared to just a cauldron. Mm, and you can also use it to make a mask and anything that can hide your face, an artifact like this isn't something Spiritual Sense can penetrate. Later I will give you a technique that can change the aura, it should be able to help you deceive anyone."

"Is this also something that has never been?" Yi Yun asked.

"That's not the point, but, well, you don't have to think about that, it will just confuse you. To be sure, this is indeed a good thing. You may not know, it even produces a huge phenomenon in the sky."

"A big phenomenon? Is it some kind of hand that splits the sky?"

"Yeah, it just happened, now it's gone."

"Oh my God, did I actually result in such a thing."

Yi Yun quickly came out.

There were more than 20 people now apart from Mei Mei and Tang Xing, he had only ever seen a few of them.

The skinny man with a gloomy face also came out of his pavilion, this was the first time he actually came out. From Tang Xing, Yi Yun knew his name was Gu Hong, someone who liked to make poison.

Despite appearing unfriendly, he was actually quite talented in the Alchemy Hall.

Mei Mei immediately approached Yi Yun when she saw him, she said, "Yi Yun, did you see it? The cauldron covered the sky."

Yi Yun had to suppress his expression so that he wouldn't look like he didn't know anything, he replied, "I'm in the middle of cultivating, but I still managed to see it through the window."

"I was lucky that I was outside at the time, but how did something like that appear, the seniors say it's because one is born with an Innate Weapon/Artifact."

'So that's what people think,' thought Yi Yun.

'Fortunately, nothing seems to be pointing at me, it would be problematic if people found out I was the cause of the phenomenon.'

While he was thinking, Tang Xing came over. "Yi Yun, you have already reached the first stage, almost a month, it is not too bad."

Yi Yun and Mei Mei were immediately shocked. The former was surprised by the length of time Tang Xing had said whereas Mei Mei was surprised by Yi Yun's cultivation.

"You really broke through?" Ask Mei Mei.

"Yeah, just last night."

"Junior Mei, you must speed up your cultivation so that I can teach both of you at the same time," Tang Xing said.

"Please give me another week, no, half a week is enough," replied Mei Mei.

"Then go back, cultivate more diligently."


Mei Mei immediately returned to her pavilion, obviously Yi Yun's progress made her spirits rise.

Tang Xing immediately turned his attention back to Yi Yun. "How about you study the spiritual plants first."

Yi Yun nodded, that was indeed the thing he wanted.

The real goal is not to actually study them, but to copy them.

According to Xia Xinghe, the Heavenly Garden could create manifestations of any spiritual plant or copy existing manifestations and store them. All he needed to do was touch them with his spiritual energy that was already connected to the Heavenly Garden.

Each stored manifestation, he can rely on the Heavenly Garden to detect it, his strength will determine how extensive its detection ability is.

Tang Xing took him back to the Alchemy Hall building.

They first stopped on the second floor, where many cauldrons hung on the walls.

"Since you are already a cultivator, you can choose any of the cauldrons here, the one you choose will be yours," Tang Xing said.

Weapons / Artifacts are divided into five grades, from Earth, Cloud, Sky, Saint, and Monarch Grade. The former was naturally the most inferior, but it also had several distinct qualities.

As Yi Yun looked at the cauldrons, he found himself resonating with them so he could see the difference in their qualities.

Even he found one cauldron that was secretly hiding a different aura.

"This should be Cloud Grade, right?" He talked to Xia Xinghe.

"Yes, even if you don't use it, you can sell it, with your current level, the price of a Cloud Grade Cauldron is quite expensive."


Yi Yun looked at Tang Xing, he asked, "whatever I take right, senior?"

"Yes," Tang Xing replied with a light nod.

For a moment, he looked doubtful.

Without changing his expression, Yi Yun began to examine the cauldrons one by one, he touched each one of them and took a closer look.

At first he was still quite calm, but as Yi Yun approached the cauldron that seemed to be made of copper and wedged between the other cauldrons, he knitted his brows.

His expression grew even stranger as he watched Yi Yun inspect the cauldrons so thoroughly that he finally touched the copper cauldron.

This time, he checked longer and even moved to a brighter spot.

The moment the sunlight hit it, it faintly emitted flashes of light, like lightning flashing across the sky.

Now the difference is quite clear.

"I think I will choose this cauldron," Yi Yun said.

"Are you sure you want that?" Tang Xing walked over to him and asked.

"Now this one looks the best," Yi Yun replied.

"Sigh, Junior Yi, do you know what cauldron this is?"

Yi Yun shook his head, "I just feel that this is better than the others, is it unique?"

"This is a Cloud Grade Artifact, even I only had it after five years of accumulating wealth."

"Really, then is it okay for me to take this?" Yi Yun pretended to be surprised, he even tried to put it back down.

But Tang Xing quickly stopped him. "No need, since you got it, it will naturally be yours. There's no problem even if you sell it. This is something that is arranged by the sect, be it the Alchemy Hall or any other hall. Other sects also regulate this kind of thing. Rewards are given to those who have good eyes because in the cultivation world it is important so that we can distinguish between treasure and danger."

"I was just lucky," Yi Yun replied.

"I don't think so, in fact, none of the new students inspect these cauldrons in as much detail as you. I at that time just chose the one that looked the best." Tang Xing smiled wryly as he recalled his past.

"However, with your current cultivation, using a Cloud Grade cauldron might not be a good fit, so take one more cauldron," he added.

Yi Yun nodded, he took another one, this time an average one.

"What if the other disciples find out about this?" He asked.

"Don't worry, I will only tell Elder Lin when he returns, let's go to the fifth floor," he replied.

Yi Yun became calmer after that.

On the fifth floor, Tang Xing walked over to one of the cupboards.

He pushed the cupboard aside, revealing a door as dark as a black hole.

"Follow me," he said before walking to the door. He suddenly disappeared.

"This is the portal of an independent space," Xia Xinghe told Yi Yun.

Creating an independent space is not easy, Xia Xinghe said only Sage and above can create. Obviously this independent space is a relic of the sect's heyday.

Stepping into the portal made Yi Yun feel like he entered the Heavenly Garden, he instantly appeared in a different place.

It was like in the air, but there were countless flowerpots floating with a plant on top, each one emitting a spiritual aura.

Yi Yun was also floating there, his eyes quickly shining.

"These manifestations cannot be created by just anyone. This is a testament to our past glories," Tang Xing said proudly.