Alchemy Miracle Shop

The bird flew straight into one of the islands. After passing several buildings, it stopped at an open area surrounded by a ten meter high fortress.

There were a few buildings inside the fort but there wasn't a single person.

It was clearly a base but there was no sign explaining whose base it was.

"Phew, we've finally arrived," said Yuan Shao after landing the bird.

He looked at the people behind him. "We're staying in this city for ten days, I'll be quite busy, so remember not to act flashy, if anyone else recognizes your origins and insults you, just ignore it!"

"Senior, what if those people are weaker than me, should I ignore them too?" Ask someone.

Yuan Shao's expression was a bit heavy as he replied, "This is not a matter of your individual strength, unless you are strong enough to take on the entire sect behind them. Mu clan for example, they can destroy our sect if they want. Besides, here are many business branches from other regions, the sect won't help you if you offend them."

Hearing Yuan Shao's words, the person who asked was unable to say anything else.

Others grumbled at their misfortune, some cursing the Lightning Arrow Monarch for causing their sect to decline.

The correct is; if the sect was still strong, there was no way people like them could join. From the start, they were indeed destined to join a small sect that had to live with care.

"Alright, you guys can leave now," added Yuan Shao.

Yi Yun immediately jumped down from the bird's back, followed by Qin Tian. They went to the only way out of the area.

Seeing this city from within made Yi Yun amazed. The city was very well organized, the streets were very wide, and there were a lot of people at various points.

Even mortals are quite a lot, they work and do business here.

The buildings in this city had quirky, old-fashioned designs, but he wasn't sure if they deserved to be called ancient because they were painted in a variety of very bright colors. The paint on earth was like an old thing when compared to the one here.

He also felt a kind of pressure in this city, making him unable to fully release his power. From the information he read, there were formations all over the city and that would limit everyone's strength. The stronger the person, the greater the pressure.

The most suppressed was Spiritual Sense so those powerful experts couldn't peek as they pleased, there was a limit to the range of their Spiritual Sense.

"Do you want to go to the Alchemy Association?" Qin Tian apparently asked first, which was quite surprising considering his always cold expression.

Yi Yun nodded lightly, "What about you?"

"Towards the Craftsmen Association to look for weapons," he replied.

"Oh, looks like your Qin family's condition is better than I thought."

"This is the result of a hard struggle."

They then walked together while continuing to chat about a few things.

The city had clear directions, there were many signposts depicting directions to special places such as the Alchemy Association, Craftsman Association, and such.

The Alchemy Association and the Craftsman Association were in the same direction, so they continued to walk together.

"By the way, aren't you worried about those people doing something to you?" Yi Yun asked.

They weren't following now, but from their previous gazes, they were most likely up to something bad.

Although the city forbids fighting, there is no strict control, small battles carried out in deserted places should still be able to be carried out.

"That woman, Ji Rong is the one who has attacked us, she is very strong, and the two men don't seem to be any weaker than her, they are indeed very dangerous for me now." Qin Tian did not refute.

"Do you have a plan?"

"No, I also didn't know they would come along, for now, I'll just avoid them as much as I can."

'Rational choice.' Yi Yun nodded.

He asked because he wanted to know what kind of person he was, now it was quite clear that he was similar to Qin Wuxin in terms of thinking.

The moment they arrived at the two paths separating the Alchemy Association and the Craftsman Association, they immediately parted ways.

Yi Yun stared at the territory of the Craftsman Association while he entered the territory of the Alchemy Association.

The sound of metal clashing occasionally could be heard from the shops there.

Compared to being an Alchemist, being a Craftsman was actually much simpler, but that was only for the lower realms, for the higher realms, some things like soul power were needed.

The conditions in the Alchemy Association's territory were also the same, it was full of shops selling various kinds of pills, herbs, and some were medical clinics.

At the center is a tall building similar to a temple. Hundreds of people gathered around the building.

The Alchemy Association wasn't a faction, it was just an ordinary society with loose rules, every Alchemist was a member.

In any region that has Alchemists, the Alchemy Association is always there, it's the same for the Craftsman Association.

Of course, even though they were just an ordinary society, that didn't mean they didn't have any treasures or inheritances of their own. There was no shortage of factionless experts, some of these experts would usually bequeath their treasures to these associations when they were about to die.

With a few set rules plus the assurance of a few experts, these treasures could be safely tucked away until a suitable heir was found.

Yi Yun's current goal was simply to sell his cauldron and pills, so he looked for a good shop.

Last night he had read some information so he knew which shops were making purchases with good reputations.

Before searching the shops, he first bought a black robe then went to a corner, he created a faceless mask from his cauldron then used the Thousand Aura Technique to conceal his aura.

A boy selling Copper Realm pills and Cloud Grade Artifacts would definitely make him stand out, he didn't want trouble to happen because of that, it was better to hide his identity from the start.

After making sure everything was safe, he immediately returned to the road.

Now people who saw him could only estimate his age, but not the details of his figure.

Luckily there is no shortage of people hiding their appearance along the way. With the black mask and cloak covering his figure, he didn't look that strange.

The Blessed Alchemy Shop was the first one he went to, unfortunately there were too many visitors in the shop so many were waiting outside the entrance, he chose to leave right then and there.

The Thousand Pill Shop and the Life Pill Shop were the same.

The sixth shop called the Alchemy Miracle Shop had fewer visitors, he finally stopped to observe a little longer.

This shop building consists of an array of bamboo as the pillars and glass as the walls, it has four floors, the glass walls on the third and fourth floors are black so people can't see inside.

Seeing that this shop was fine and there was no fuss, Yi Yun finally walked into it.

A young maid greeted him by the door, "Welcome to the Alchemy Miracle Shop, Young Master, is there anything you need?"

She didn't seem to care about his completely covered up appearance.

"I want to sell the cauldron and pills," Yi Yun replied.

"Oh, please go over there." The maid pointed to a counter that seemed to be in charge of buying goods.

Guarding the counter was a somewhat chubby middle-aged woman with a pair of bunny ears on her head.

Yi Yun wasn't sure about her race, but he felt she was very strong.

"What do you want to sell?" she asked directly, it seemed she had heard his words when he was talking to the maid.

"One Cloud Grade Cauldron, a Copper Tealm One Tier Houtian Pill, four Copper Realm One Tier Food Pills," Yi Yun replied, he also didn't beat around the bush.

"Cloud Grade, Copper Realm?" The woman was finally surprised.

She stood up and took a closer look at him, but didn't use his spiritual sense to penetrate the mask he was wearing.

"Mm, Young Man, can I see them?" She suddenly became friendlier as she spoke.

Yi Yun took out one of the Food Pills, he took it out of the Heavenly Garden to make it look as if he was using a Spatial Ring.

The woman didn't pick it up, she observed it with her Spiritual Sense.

Inwardly Yi Yun wondered why her reaction was so exaggerated.

"Great, but do you only have five, are there more?" she asked.

"I only have this all," Yi Yun replied. "Of course, I can still sell it later."

"Good, let me buy these ones first. Copper Realm Tier One Food Pill, normally we buy 50 Low Grade Spiritual Stones, whereas Houtian Pill 1500 stones."

It was about five times more expensive than the realmless one.

"What about the cauldron?"

"Let me see it first."

Yi Yun nodded, he took out the cauldron.

The woman immediately observed it, still with her spiritual sense. "Mmm, the quality is quite low, 5000 for this, how about it?"

The price was no less than Yi Yun's wish, so he nodded.

The woman then took out a Spatial Bag.

"There are seven Middle Grade Spiritual Stones inside, there is no need for any returns, just consider them an addition from us," she said.

One Middle Grade Spiritual Stone was equivalent to 1000 low grade ones, 7, that meant she paid over 300 Low Grade Spiritual Stones.

Yi Yun looked inside the bag.

There were seven stones that were similar to Low Grade Spiritual Stones, however they were blue in color, their aura seemed to be boundless.