The Six Clouds Phenomenon

At least now, the things he needed were met, he hadn't thought of anything else.

Not wanting to leave too soon, he ended up circling the city buying snacks from shop to shop.

He also bought some wine for Xia Xinghe and for himself. Up until now, he had not drunk a single drop of wine because every ration the sect gave him was taken away by Xia Xinghe.

Over time, he approached the center of the city where the palace was located. It was very majestic with silver-colored walls and a gold-colored roof, standing on top of a hill as if looking down on other buildings.

Luxurious carriages drawn by beautiful horses went in and out of the palace.

"It's amazing that they can still enjoy luxury even though above their heads is a city of cultivators," Yi Yun said.

Even if these two worlds coexist, they are still something separate.

After touring the area around the palace for a while, he returned upstairs and rented a room at the small inn.

After confirming safety, he entered the Heavenly Garden.

Xia Xinghe was standing on the meadow, planting the seeds he had bought and releasing the fish seeds into the river.

Of course, she didn't move personally, she did all of that with her mind controlling the Heavenly Garden.

"Xinghe, you don't have to do all this," Yi Yun said. He was a little uncomfortable because she had helped him too much.

She shook her head without stopping her actions. "What else can I do here," she replied.

"Maybe a walk out, is that not possible?"

"Oh, why did you say that?" She suddenly looked at him with slightly pouting lips. "Or do you want me to get out of here?"

"No, no, I mean just taking a leisurely stroll around."

"Take a leisurely stroll around huh." Xia Xinghe looked outside, but she finally shook her head.

"That's not necessary, I'd rather do something here," she said firmly.

Yi Yun covered his mouth and didn't say anything else. He helped her plant the seeds to completion before starting to refine pills again.

He refined several Food Pills, two Copper Realm Houtian Pill with two ingredient packets which he bought because he still couldn't make more than one pill for one ingredient packet. The latter he used to refine the realmless. This time, he managed to refine three pills.

He planned to give Qin Wuxin the realmless, and keep the last Copper Realm Pill. It was still possible for him to give Qin Wuxin that Copper Realm Pill, but that would depend on the situation in the future.

Although Qin Wuxin's increase in strength was also a good thing for him as it meant she could provide more assistance, but this, after all, was his personal ability, he could not simply tell others. It's not like sharing information about treasures or anything like that.

Other than deeper trust, the only thing that could make him tell Qin Wuxin was if she had a secret that was on the same level as his and she told him that secret.

"Now it's time to cultivate," he said, he returned to the room.

He first swallowed a single food pill that fell straight into his stomach and then swallowed one of those Copper Realm Tier One Houtian Pills.

For this one, it was still the same as when he swallowed the Awakening Pill, it stopped in his chest. The difference was the sensation he felt, he could feel boundless energy flowing into his Heart Space even when he didn't try to absorb it.

"Twenty days at least for me to absorb this pill, I might need three to four months if it's a realmless pill."

Time remained what was most needed in cultivation, it was something that even geniuses could not change. Although actually the higher the level, the faster the cultivation, but the foundation that was built was also much bigger.

He cultivated indefinitely to the point of falling asleep several times. Unknowingly, four days had passed.

In these four days, he had managed to form two more spiritual essences in his first Heart Space while his second Heart Space had already started to form its first spiritual essence.

He was only one step away from breakthrough, but this did require more effort.

Filling his second Heart Space with spiritual energy was easy enough, but shaping it into a Spiritual Essence was quite difficult.

He immediately worked even harder for his breakthrough to succeed.

Second by second and minute by minute.

After another day, when the moon was right in the middle of the sky, his body emitted a transparent light once again with a small explosion.

His eyes opened, looking clearer than before.

"Great, I feel very strong," he said.

He could sense four spiritual essences in his Heart Space which was now divided into three spaces.

Right after he opened his eyes, Xia Xinghe suddenly called out to him.

He immediately entered the Heavenly Garden only to be shocked.

"Look at these," Xia Xinghe said, pointing to a silver cat with a long tail and cute face and a jet black eagle with sharp eyes, each of them ten times larger than their normal size. The former sat beside Xia Xinghe while the latter flew around above her.

They had an aura, something that ordinary beasts didn't have.

"Houtian Second Stage Spiritual Beasts, no, these are stronger, they have almost broken through to the third stage." Yi Yun was immediately able to tell their cultivation through the auras they emitted and it left him completely shocked. Five days he left, there were already two.

His arrival made them stare at him, they then came up to him and made strange movements as if they were asking for orders from him.

"They really obey me."

"Great, right? There are still three more," Xia Xinghe said as she stared at the river, leaving Yi Yun confused.

Right after that, three fish jumped up, they were about two meters long with golden fins and terrifying looking teeth. Too bad they couldn't seem to leave the river.

"I didn't expect it to be this fast," Yi Yun said. They were even faster than him.

Of course, a factor in that was also because their cultivation method relied more on bloodlines. As their bloodline evolved, their cultivation would drastically increase within a few days. What took a long time was this bloodline evolution process.

He then jumped onto the eagle's back.


It flew straight into the sky, looking eager to carry him.

The sensation of flying alone on an eagle was completely different from going with others, it was a pleasure in itself.

Satisfied, he returned and ordered the eagle and cat to gather in front of him.

"From now on, your name is Yi Hei, and you are Yi Bai," he said as he looked back and forth between them.

The two immediately opened their mouths to show excitement after getting the name.

"Good, I hope you guys can stay with me until the end of the world."

He then turned his attention to the plants that were starting to grow.

The ones he first planted had already grown bigger, and the Iron Trees were starting to appear, they were already two meters tall.

He started trying to control them, the way to do it was directly through the mind, it was as if there were invisible threads being connected between his mind and them.


After a while in the Heavenly Garden, Yi Yun chose to sleep to stabilize his body which had just gotten a power boost.

He woke up at 8:00 a.m. when he heard a loud rumbling in the sky.

It didn't sound like an ordinary natural phenomenon, so he opened the window to take a look.

Suddenly a strange phenomenon appeared above one of the islands, it was the island in the middle.

Six green colored clouds suddenly flew into the sky from the island. They looked the same as the clouds around the city, but they emitted a pure and mysterious aura.

"What happened?" He wondered.

He then came out of the hotel to listen to people's conversations.

"Wow, someone has caused the phenomenon of the six clouds, who is it---it's been a while since the last time," someone said.

"Let's see, in these hundred years it seems that there were only two people in this region who managed to cause the phenomenon of the six clouds, the Young Miss of the Yun Clan, Yun Mengyi and Luo Tian of the Holy Light Sect ten years ago."

Yi Yun, who was initially quite interested became extremely curious after hearing Senior Luo's name being mentioned, it was clearly him because no one seemed to use that name other than him in the Holy Light Sect.

"It should be the Green Cloud Pool because the clouds are also green,," Xia Xinghe said.

"Mm…" Yi Yun nodded.

He ended up following the people to the island in the middle by crossing the bridge connecting the islands.