Shanghai Fest Arc (21) : Shui's apology

Shui couldn't express the shock she felt upon listening to his words. Where Jun blamed her on Christmas night, today he was apologizing to her. The shift in his thoughts and attitude overwhelmed her.

"I tried to force my ideals on you. My idea of a perfect relationship which I had no right to do," Jun pursed his lips.

His heartfelt words and apology stung her eyes with tears. "Please…please don't apologize, Jun. Why are you asking for my forgiveness when it should be me?" She trembled, and a tear rolled down her cheek. "I hurt you the most. I behaved selfishly and ignored you. I hurt your feelings. I brought pain to you. I couldn't become a good girlfriend. I feel horrible for lying to you. I-I wanted to talk to you since the day you announced our breakup, but I felt too ashamed to face you."