Shui's birthday banquet arc (5)

'Guiying' parted and shut her lips as even she was stunned to meet Zixin here. First at the hospital and then at the hotel…'she' felt like the number of coincidental meetings with this man were too phenomenal.

'Guiying' could feel the real Guiying inside her wanting to take over and talk to him. But 'she' didn't want to relinquish her control this time.

Shut up, you idiot. I have not come here for a chit chat with anybody. So stop with this bullshit.

Zixin tilted his head and observing her in a trance, he repeated. "Hello."

'Guiying' looked up and raised her brow. "Hello."

For a moment, Zixin wasn't sure how to respond. It was the same woman before him but somehow, her gaze with which she met his eyes seemed different. Like the time he had seen her smoking that evening. He felt as if her eyes didn't hold much warmth in them.

But that was ridiculous according to him. The Guiying whom he talked to was a gentle woman with a soft voice.