An utter failure

"Throughout the three years of highschool, Guiying was pretty much normal. I also f-finally relaxed because I thought 'she' was gone for good. Even my relationship with her improved!" Cai Lingyun chuckled, but it sounded anything but sweet.

Ai was about to say her mind but she paused, collecting her thoughts. She seemed to tie two and two to four and then said, "Isn't that because my Mom and Dad were actively supporting you?"

Jun quickly understood it. "Financially?"

She nodded. "Not exactly directly. But since Mom was a reputed professor, she had a wide reach to other schools and colleges of Xuanhua and neighboring cities. She took it upon herself to waive off Guiying's high school and his university fees, which reduced a lot of Cai Lingyun's burden. Not only that. My Dad had a wide network himself in terms of job opportunities since he had worked at many places, so he helped out Cai Lingyun get a decent part-time job to manage their expenses."