The ultimate trump card

The same evening, Jin stayed back in Shui's room to discuss the next day's presentation. Shui scooted closer to him to have a better look at the screen, and Jin would shift a step further away whenever she did so. This cat and mouse game went on for a little while until Shui banged her palms on the table, making him slightly jump.

He knew it. Shui's patience had thinned out.

Just then Shui received a message from her father, Zhiyuan, asking for the twelfth time in the entire day of her wellbeing.

'That Liu boy isn't troubling you, right? Tell me if he is! I will set him straight! Hell, I will talk to Liu Jinhai and get you out of Guangzhou! Just give me the green signal.'

Her brow twitched, and she shook her head with her father's over protectiveness. She narrowed her eyes though, feeling an itch to really complain about him to Zhiyuan and starting a war. Jin would suffer like anything if Zhiyuan went onto rampage mode.