Friends catch up

A month had passed since Guiying's last confrontation with Cai Lingyun. The initial days felt melancholic, thinking of her brother as a prisoner. But slowly and steadily and with Zixin's constant support, she overcame the period of guilt.

She was gradually coming to terms to Zhan Yahui's death as well but now and then, that void would hit her. There was nobody to guide her writing anymore and though Yating assured that he would assign her the best editor possible, Guiying couldn't feel she was ready to face writing again.

It wasn't like she didn't try.

She would sit in front of her computer everyday, thinking about her next story but that page always remained blank.

Maybe I need to take a break…

"What do 'you' say? Do 'you' think I need some time before I can start writing again?"

She asked for 'her' opinion, but 'she' remained silent as if 'she' wasn't interested in this conversation. Guiying sighed with 'her' lack of motivation.