Thank you for everything

During the time 'Guiying' talked with Zixin, Guiying felt herself floating in a never-ending void. She dazedly looked left and right only to find nothing. Strange black swirls and whorls confused her and she held her temple in a disarray.

She heard some mumbling and talking, but she couldn't pinpoint the source of it. She thought what she felt like Zixin and 'her' talking, but she couldn't make out the words they spoke. It all felt gibberish to her.

What is happening…

Why am I not able to hear them?

She recognized the dark abyss where she was in. It was the same endless void where she would stay until 'Guiying' was out in her body acting as Cai Guiying. Similarly, 'Guiying' would stay here when it was the other way around.

But today, the place emanated a strange presence. Guiying placed her palm on her chest, feeling breathless.

What was the last thing that happened?