Insecurity and bitterness


Director Murong shook his head. "Where is your attention Cheng Yin? This is not how you have performed all this time. Your mind and your heart don't feel in the same place."

Yin stiffened and embarrassment flashed in his eyes. "I am sorry, Director. I will do the next take correctly."

"No, I don't think so. You don't seem to be in the moment. Your mind is wandering somewhere. Until that gets fixed, we won't go anywhere with the shooting. Let's take a break and get back."

Yin headed straight to his make-up roomz gnashing his jaw. He looked at himself in the mirror and exhaled a deep breath. He then felt a gentle poke on his cheek and glanced at the side.

Chyou pursed her lips, worried. "Is something bothering you, Yin?"

He tried to smile. "Not really. Maybe I'm not just in the zone."