- Distant Planet

The planet consisted of one large landmass, which was covered in a sprawling jungle. From orbit, there were some openings to the jungle, but for the most part all of the land was blocked by thick trees.

"This place is ripe for colonisation! Aside from there only being this jungle, the world is very hospitable."

"But, Lady Angel, what about the Bloody Dawn? We chased them here, what's to say that they do not have a foothold on this world already? We cannot risk colonisation here, not yet."

"She's right, Kaya. And that's not even considering those slug things that we saw. We don't even know what they are. Nor do we know what these giant structures are."

"Jewel, Rocie, you're both right. We will have to fight a brutal campaign out here if we wish to claim this world, but claiming an eden like this among the frontier has to be a priority for us. And Rocie, don't call me Lady Angel when it's just the four of us. You too, Abi. There's a reason I keep you three close to me."