- Intruder

'An intruder?' Gus thought, looking back for the alien that spoke to him.

"Yes. While it is uncertain, it is likely that it is here to tamper with the temple and further destabilise the world," the voice answered.

'Uncertain? I thought you had the power of the universe. How is something like this uncertain?' Gus thought, knowing that the alien would be able to know his thoughts and answer him.

"We see through the power of the universe, however we are unable to observe everything that the universe does. While we may understand the Elders, for example, it is only through centuries of collective observation that this is possible. We are unable to see everything at any time, and therefore cannot understand everything that happens."

"Hold this position, I've got something to deal with." Gus said to the others, before moving back into the temple with his head kept down low.