-Journey to the Temple

"So what is this actually about?" Joel asked. "It has to be something important, but what exactly are we doing?"

"And why did you choose us for certain things?" Emmy added. "Joel for strength, and me for intelligence? Why us specifically?"

"We're going to a temple, similar to the one that we found you and the others with you in," Gus said, gesturing to Emmy. "There's basically been some changes going on with the world, and when we were in the temple I was told that the only way to solve it was to go to the other temples on the world and fix whatever's going on. Kaya loaned me this ship to use to get us there, because it was the only thing that could possibly get through the aerial superiority they've got. So, I had to choose only a couple of people and, since we're going into unknown territory I chose who I thought would actually be the most useful in the temple."