- Gus vs Maximillian (3)

"I've got to say, I'm pleasantly surprised by you," Maximillian said to Gus. "I thought the enforcers were going weak when I saw someone your age coming to stop me, but now that we've fought I can see you're strong. I'll tell you what, how about I leave you alive and you come work for me once this whole thing is done?"

Gus glanced at Maximillian's leg in response to his words. "You're not getting out of this alive. I've hurt your leg, I know what you have, and I know how to beat you. All this for a pair of people who've just been stolen from right under your nose."

"Like I said, they're inconsequential to me. I did what I did not for them, but to try and hurt the Evolved who lord's over us."

Gus chose not to respond, instead watching his movements to find an opportunity to strike and end the fight for good.