- Video Recording

Hidden behind the doorway, shrouded in darkness, was a long, narrow corridor. Walking down it, Joel couldn't help but question how the Primia even managed to fit down here if this was the right way. He was the biggest of the four of them, and even he was starting to feel a little pressed for space.

This feeling was only enhanced by the darkness that surrounded them. The level of light within the area was extremely low, and so the darkness was allowed the crushing presence that it had.

The hallway was long, too. Whether that was just another trick, played by the presence of the darkness in the corridor, none of them were too sure. All they knew was that it felt like they were walking for a long time until they saw light once more. This length was only increased by the tense feeling that surrounded the group, one that was caused by the knowledge that there could be Bloody Dawn hiding within the darkness waiting for them.