"Now, it's my turn"

Hayden remained quiet for as long as he was in the corridor to avoid any unnecessary attention. He wasn't bothered about confronting Nathaniel, but was worried about the public reaction. Luckily, very few people were around at that time. Hayden decided to take a detour and instead of going home, he decided to head to his office. As expected Nathaniel followed him.

Hayden dumped the books on his hand on the table, and very slowly pulled out a tiny stake from the secret drawer from the other side of the table, before turning around. "I am surprised you had to come to the office for a stake. I thought someone like you would always carry one on you." Nathaniel commented. Hayden closed his eyes to take a deep breath. Apparently he wasn't discreet enough.

Turning around, Hayden smirked. "You were not wrong," he added. "But it's not that bad to always have some extra on you."

"Since one stake couldn't kill me, you believe two can"? Nathaniel smirked.

"Perhaps." Hayden shrugged. "But that was not what I was planning." he mumbled. "I figured out who you were."

"Really? Did you?" Nathaniel tilted his head. "Did you figure out why you failed to kill me?" he asked.

"The Vampire king." Hayden mumbled. Nathaniel's eyes furrowed, wondering how much had Hayden figured out. "You work for him, and he taught you," he added.

"I 'worked' for him." Nathaniel corrected, or lied to be precise. "Right now, I am simply a Vagabond" he shrugged. Hayden turned around and approached Nathaniel at a threatening low pace. "Are you trying to get the jump on me? Cause I guarantee you, I am much faster." He declared. 

"Yes, you're faster, stronger, the one with worse manners." Hayden shrugged and soon he was standing face to face, looking above a little bit as Nathaniel was somewhat taller than Hayden. "I just wanna look."

"My charms are too irresistible, I know". Nathaniel snorted, earning a sarcastic chuckle from Hayden.

"Your only charm is that you're a vampire". Hayden shrugged. "Vampire's are supposed to be naturally attractive to humans, it's basically projecting delusions." He added in a mocking manner. 

"You're a human." Nathaniel smirked. "An original hunter, but human. Are you suggesting that you're attracted to me?"

"Yes," Hayden shrugged. "So much so that I wanna drive all the stakes I have owned till now, piercing you from front to back with, leaving no area of skin visible." Hayden declared with a devilish grin.

"And yet, you're talking…" Nathaniel shrugged. 

"No...I am stalling". His grin deepened which prompted Nathaniel to ponder upon why. Hayden however raised his hand and opened the blinds allowing the evening light to seep in. Suddenly Nathaniel's skin started to redden while he crouched down due to incredible pain. 

Hayden followed the same, and putting his finger beneath Nathaniel's chin he forced him to look up, "Stakes can't kill you, but maybe raw sunlight can". He shrugged. 

Up until now Nathaniel was immune to the sunlight, which made him wonder as to why suddenly it was so unbearable. Hayden, not missing the flicker of confusion in the other's eyes, laughed cynically. "You forgot to do your homework on me. That's on you." Hayden shrugged. "If only you've researched about me, or this place you would know that over a century ago this used to be a place of worship of local deities. 

Of course I believe in superstitions, but even that is extreme. But you see, those local people who worshiped the gods were a Coven of witches who enchanted this one place to be so pure that even their magic would come undone." He shrugged. "And the magic that protects you from the sun, the magic that makes you a daywalker won't work in this room." 

"Not all magic". Through his agony Nathaniel started to laugh. It took a moment for Hayden to catch up as he noticed that no matter what the burn wasn't deeper than skin. A nightwalker at this point would have caught fire that would turn them into ashes.

"You're not protected by something other than magic"? Hayden wondered. He closed the blinds that ensured a slower than normal area of the burnt skin. 

"So, now it's my turn to try and kill you"? Nathaniel asked, while there were still some burns left on his extremities. Hayden raised his head in a challenging manner. Nathaniel grabbed him by his right shoulder and flipped them and pushed him hard on the wall so that Hayden remained attached to the wall.

"Choking and biting won't work," Hayden challenged.

"Or maybe it would. Whatever magic protected you in the beginning might be nullified by this room." Nathaniel smirked, causing the smile on Hayden's face to disappear while the blood drained from his face as well.

Nathaniel brought his face dangerously close to Hayden's nape of neck and sniffled, as you sniff your meal before digging in. Hayden tried to push away Nathaniel, but he failed to do so. Was it his anxiety or the lack orlf said magic that prevented him from getting Nathaniel away from him, he had no clue. 

Hayden for a very split second gave up on his very life, because a moment later Nathaniel pulled away. "Nah, If I kill you it won't be so fun." He scoffed. 

"So you're letting me go"? Hayden scoffed. Even though he was glad to be alive he felt nothing but pathetic at this moment. Suddenly he wished Nathaniel would just go ahead and kill him.

"Yes". Nathaniel smirked. "I mean, burning me with the sun, forget trying then no one has ever even thought of that." He scoffed.

"Maybe you are just not that important." Hayden shrugged.

"And yet you put so much effort into trying to kill me". Nathaniel snickered. Hayden remained quiet as he simply wanted to end this feud. All he wanted at this moment was for Nathaniel to be gone, and perhaps the best way to do that right now was to shut up. "I should go". Nathaniel added. 

Hayden wanted to sigh in relief, but he refrained himself from doing so. "Oh, and another thing. You better get used to me cause I'm gonna be doing your classes." Nathaniel smirked.

"What?! You can't be allowed-"

"I am already enrolled. Everyone on the board will disagree with you if you try to pull me outta here." Nathaniel scoffed. He brought his face closer to Hayden's such that he was close to the other's ear. "See you around...professor." and the very next moment Nathaniel was gone. Hayden wanted to curse his fate at this moment. Just when he was so close to making his final leap of revenge he got stuck with an annoying handsome Vampire who just won't die!