Time to get serious, Warriors

Ary and Kashi were glaring at the Demon Knight with angry gazes.

Mike, on the other hand, was slightly concerned.

The Red scarf demon was looking at Kashi and Ary with a sinister smile while folding his arms.

He knew what he had to do.

But without any seconds to waste, Ary made a fist of his right hand, saying,

"Almita retrieve my blade."


With a swish, Ary's cutter blade of death appeared on his right hand, and his astral dress appeared as well.


Kashi said while swinging his right hand and his black astral dress with his blade appeared.

"Gear back."

Mike said as his astral dress and his scythe appeared.

After seeing them alerted, the red-scarf demon outstretched his arms, saying,

"As expected of the warriors, always be on alert."

"Cut the crap and what do you want here?"

With a grave expression, Kashi asked while pointing his blade at the red-scarf demon.

"What do I want, eh?"

The red scarf demon said as he smirked, adding,