Welcome to the Heavenly Realm of Loopstar


With a startled expression, the Demon King, Arterismet VII, reacted after hearing that Ginetano and Sheni were dead.

From his perspective, they were both twice as strong as Shikalah and Leon together.

While sitting on his royal bed, Arterismet VII placed his right palm over his forehead and pondered,

'How could this be?! When did the warriors become that powerful?'

With the same startled expression, he raised his head and gazed at his minister in front of him, asking,

"Did you manage to record a glimpse of their fight?"

The minister in front of him was a butler-dressed old man with a monocle on his right eye and a long moustache. His appearance was just like a human, but the red horns over his head made him a demon.

While caressing his moustache, the minister replied,

"Yes, your majesty. Also, odd to say, but the demon army that we sent to support Ginetano got demolished by warriors as well."


With a sigh, Arterismet VII commented,