Long day

I stepped up the stairwell and met the same darkness I had long grown used to. My feet tapped each step before going up and my hands flailed around to find something to hold on to. Climbing a staircase in pitch darkness is certainly a scary experience.

I passed through the steps when a ray of light hit my head. In a few minutes, I was back above ground... "Finally out of that place!" I said as I looked around the place the staircase ended at. A worn-down abandoned house surrounded me. On the floor was a torn rug under which laid the staircase.

I pushed the rug aside and moved towards the windows of the place. Broken, tainted glasses with spiderwebs on their edges gave me a view of Scalmourne. I could make out from the surroundings that this house was pretty close to my place. My finger ran over the dusty window and I strolled to the center of the place. There on the floor was the exit of the stairwell.

I scratched my head, moved a wooden board over to the top of the exit, and then covered it with the torn rug. It wasn't a lot, but no one had gone inside before, so it should be enough. I dusted my clothes and went out of the abandoned house. I think I heard a soft, shaking sound, but ignored it.

I dashed back to my place that was swindled by an old merchant. Being a frequent traveler and a thief to boot, uprooting my life in one place, and moving to another was easy. I opened the closet and pulled out a bag, filling it with things like my job-specific tools, some clothes, and camping material.

I had to reach the capital of Zakall. If whatever was written in the cave was truly real, then the source of lightning magic could only be at the capital. With the watch, I could take it. It was possible. I zipped the bag, flung it over my shoulders, and ran out of the gates.

The capital of the newly formed democratic country is an eccentric place. After only 20 years after the revolution, the political parties have completely switched their focus to gather power and control this country. Well, the revolution only happened because of a lack of support for the King and their vessels. There was no special story behind the family like in Elisbonear, nor were the Aristocrats powerful like in Vlysimn.

I scaled the streets of Scalmourne. I still had to take care of one last formality before leaving this place. I had to give my greetings to the pig of a mayor and my dear benefactor, Adrion.

I let go of any destination in my mind and let the streets guide me. Roads led to roads as they narrowed into alleys. Eventually, I found myself in a small passage between a few buildings. An old appliance store had settled itself in the place. I walked up to the counter and smiled at the clerk. The clerk was an old man in his 50s, or maybe not? The person had a wrinkled face that shined smoothly at the same time. One couldn't make out any of his features.

"How can I help you today?" The clerk asked.

"I put something up for sale... I want it back."

"We'll be keeping a deposit, is that alright?"

"Of course... Also, I want to post a message."

The old man turned towards me and a smile showed up on his face. "Hah. What should it say?"


I trudged my way towards the outskirts of Scalmourne. In between the woods was a path leading towards Adrion's mansion. I pulled out the item I had just taken from the store. A magically developed pistol that enhanced each shot with fire and wind magic, resulting in probably the greatest firepower and the most silent firearm in all of Scalmourne. I had stolen this pistol from the mayor himself. Yup, yours truly is amazing for having stolen that.

Adrion and his group conducted their business with the mayor's support. They took care of the dirty work, and the mayor turned a blind eye to their dealings. I looked around the path and randomly fired a few shots. "That should do it"

I left the spot and moved into the woods. With careful steps, I walked towards Adrion's mansion. I needed something from one of his guys.


A minuscule sound rang out in the air and my breathing got deeper. I continued onwards as I looked around. Broken twigs, stepped on leaves, and joggling trees. There were about 3 people following me. I guess I lucked out, huh? It was time to test this watch in combat.


"That was crazy!" I exclaimed as I looked over the bodies of my attackers. "Unbelievable. I can easily stand up to grade 3 mages if I use this correctly." I swept a hand over my hair and wiped off my sweat.

I walked over to the last person I had killed and bent down. There, tied to his waist was a magic weapon. Shaped like a stick, this thing discharges a lethal amount of electricity when triggered. A special weapon that was the signature of Adrion's gang. The fight would have been much more difficult if the attacker had used this. As a final touch to my work of art, I ran a knife over the bodies of the three attackers. When I was done, it looked like they were first brutalized and then killed by a bayonet. The bayonets the guards use.

With the lightning rod in my hand, I came back inside the city. The guardhouse of the city was occupied by the tired city guards that had just changed shifts. The next part of my present had to be carried out here. I busted the lock with a pin and started another trial run. With careful movements, I sneaked inside the rooms and burnt the shit out of the guards sleeping there. It went smoothly. Alright, the trial run can be a pain in these situations, eh?

Once more, I moved in stealthily to kill the guards, for real this time. The last one woke up before I could hit him. We had a minor struggle, but I electrocuted him again.

The preparation was done. I just had to wait it out now. Adrion must have been notified of his dead guys by now. He must have already declared the attack on his people as the mayor's betrayal.

The Mayor will soon see his people dead and electrocuted. He would panic and reach out to Adrion for clarification. In his path, he will come across the bullets of his specially made pistol. The pistol that was stolen and the pistol that would, for him, be Adrion's declaration of war on him. The tension between the two parties was always present and neither will be too surprised. They might even end up thinking 'finally it has come to this!'.

Through all this, the winner will, of course, be me. I had already left information about the "war" coming up at the appliance store. The other parties will be focused on getting rid of the weakened winner and during that time, I will sweep the city clean.

I smiled in satisfaction as I left the guardhouse and moved to a restaurant for breakfast. I had a long day ahead.