
Son Trapped!!

After a long screech, the train came to a stop. Steam erupted out of the chimney placed in the engine and the many vents on the train's underside as dozens of doors to different compartments swung open. From the window of my room, I saw one person get into the compartment next to ours.

"Should we step out?" Nea asked.

"Only one person got into the compartment next to ours."

"Won't they try to settle it while the train's stopped?"

"Not this one, no. They looked like a veteran." I replied.

"Hm? And?"

I slightly turned towards Nea, enough to show her a smirk. "No veteran will try to kill 'Ivan' with barely an hour of preparation, anyone but 'Ivan'" Nea couldn't say anything and just nodded in acceptance.

"Let's get the Illychs right as the train tarts. Ask them to have some wine, yeah?" I said.

"Got it."


We asked one of the train's staff to get us some wine and sat together with the Illych couple in the lounge. Our group shared a simple conversation when a part of the staff came and served us the wine. They had already poured it a glass and had left the bottle in a bowl of ice. I started a Trial Run to make sure that things were going as planned. Perfect.

I picked up a piece of shattered ice and juggled it in my left hand. For barely a moment, everyone's attention gathered towards my left hand. With practiced movements, I switched mine and Artelick's wine glasses and put a small, green rock in Artelick's glass. Only my wrist moved as I switched the glasses, and no one noticed the movement. In the same breath, I flicked the shard of ice with my left hand and another stone from my right. The ice made a magnificent high-arc and landed straight in the bowl of ice, whereas the stone flew low and settled itself in Jane's glass.

Everyone looked at the bowl of ice and then at me. I flashed them an awkward smile, which made them try to do the same thing. Really, are these guys actually a bunch of toddlers possessing an adult's body?

"Ah! Mine went in!" Artelick giggled in celebration and lifted his wineglass.

"Artelick! Wait!" Just as it was about to touch his lips, I knocked the wineglass out of his hands. It fell on the ground and spilled all the wine. The sudden situation made everyone get up from their seats with a start.

Without saying a word, I moved towards the spilled wine and picked up the green stone. My hands didn't touch it thanks to the gloves. I closed my eyes and acted as if I was using magic. "This is magic poison, an enchanted item that can kill you..."

"What!?" exclaimed the Illychs.

Nea picked up Jane's glass and flipped it over, and found another green stone. She also flipped her and my glasses, but there was nothing other than wine.

"I think this was aimed at you two"

Jane covered her mouth with both her hands, whereas Artelick stood tensely with his hands on his waist. "This is horrible..." Jane spoke. It seemed like she would cry any moment.

Nea placed a hand on her shoulder to calm her down. "Why would anyone do this to you two?" I carefully spoke to Artelick.

Artelick looked troubled. He must be feeling guilty about lying to us. After a couple of minutes of hesitation, he said. "... Actually, I am... the son of this country's president..."

Letting out his secret after such a minor panic, a very 'Artelick' like thing to do.

"What!?" Nea and I said.

"Ah... I... don't know what to say..." I feigned surprise at his words.

"I am sorry for lying to you two, you are being dragged into my affairs..."

"Hey, don't mind it, we are friends after—" replied Nea. But before she could finish her sentence, the door to the compartment swung open and a man in a long coat crashed in. He was carrying a pistol and his face was covered with a mask.

"Kyaa~!!" Jane screamed. Artelick ran over and wrapped her in a protective hug. I hopped back and placed myself a short distance behind Artelick. The man raised his gun. He was pointing it at me but thanks to Artelick standing right ahead of me, it didn't look like it.

"Haha, I knew you wouldn't die from just that! Iv—" The man screamed. He was about to say my name, but Nea covertly cast a Grade-4 Wind magic spell and silenced him.

Nice assist! The assassin realized what happened and did a double-take. I didn't miss this chance and chucked the bottle of wine at his head. He took the blow and jerked back. He was unfazed by the surprise attack, but that slight slip-up was enough. There was no way he could win against my human weapon.

Nea closed up to the man in an instant and punched him in the stomach. Without waiting for even a second, she spun and kicked the man's head. I went to the back of the coach. Yanked out the emergency rope and chipped it over to Nea. She used a dark magic spell to knock the man out and tied him up.

I walked over to the Illych couple and asked. "Are you two alright? Hurt anywhere?" Of course, they weren't! I mean, they didn't even move!

"Ah no..." Jane still looked a little out of it, but Artelick had gotten a hold of himself. He grabbed my and Nea's hands and inched closer to us. In a voice and tone that seemed very much like a toddler's, he exclaimed, "You two saved our lives! I could I ever repay this debt?"

Haha! All according to plan.

###Operation: Trap The Son###

Status: Son Trapped!!

Later that night, I asked Nea what she thought of the guy we had tied up and handed over to train staff. Turns out he went down too fast for her taste...