
Neighbor Unboxing

In the evening, we went to the lounge for dinner. I thought luxury trains will be fun but isn't eating the only thing we do in here? Geez, what a limiting setting for a story, right? We went to the lounge and sat together with the Illychs, who were excited to see fresh faces. We were going to have a neighbor unboxing session.

The moment was soon approaching. Any second now... and the door swings open! A blonde man, along with an equally blonde woman! Both have a slightly stiff look on their faces as they make their way towards the lounge. The man has a sharp face and hooded eyes, clean shaved. The lady has upturned eyes and an even sharper face. What is the matter with that jaw-line? They are dressed in a pretty standard manner and look approachable. That's it, that was the unboxing. 10 on 10, will do it again.

"Hey there!" The Illychs called out to the newcomers in perfect sync and giggled. "Would you like to join us?" asked Artelick.

Did this dude forget everything that happened yesterday? Are you expecting these people to be like us, or do you think keeping your assailants close will be better in the long run? I can't figure out if he is a fool or hyper-intelligent.

"Oh yes, sure," the man replied. Was it just me, or did he look displeased right there? The 2 recent additions to our group bought over some chairs and sat with us around the table.

"Dennis Barr, a pleasure."

"I am Casey Barr. Nice to meet you."

"Ah, I am Artelick Illych, and this is my wife Jane."

-Alice Rockefeller, this here is Sirius. (Nea)

After everyone introduced themselves, the train staff... you know what? This whole thing is getting repetitive. I'll skip it.

"So, you guys headed to the capital?" asked Jane.

"Yes! You all too?" Casey replied.

"Ah yes, we are off on a trip, haha," I said.

Isn't something wrong with the speaking order here!?

"We are returning from our honeymoon!" Artelick exclaimed.

"Oh, that's great. Congratulations," Dennis replied. I think he frowned.

"And you? First time to the capital?" asked Nea.

"No, we've gone there before. We were in the countryside for some work-related matters"

"Oh, what do you guys do?"

"We are mostly involved in trading," Casey replied.

"You two run a company together, I take it? That's pretty cool"

So no one's gonna do anything about this order? I think I am the only one that minds...

"What made you think that? You are correct, though." Dennis turned towards me.

"You give off that feeling, I guess?"

"Yes, they do!"

"What about you guys?" Casey inquired.

"I and Artelick are bureaucrats."

Oh, she changed it. Guess they have some brains.

"Alice is a Grade 4 mage, and I am a professor of magic theory."

"That's amazing! A mage, huh?"

The conversation kept going back on forth like that and settled down after a while. Everyone had finished with their dinner. The Barr couple were quite an interesting duo. They constantly bounced the conversation off of each other.

We had some wine served by the peculiar lady from earlier. She gave me a light wave before going, to which I responded with a wave of my own. I don't know why Nea waved at her too, but it must've been quite awkward for her.

After that, we all went back to our rooms to spend the night. Nea, as if performing a ritual, plopped herself on the bed.

"What do you think?"

"Hard to tell. You're the expert, you say," she replied.

"Hmm, they looked used to fighting. They were vigilant, too."

"Sure were."

"But two things stood out. One, Jane was the one taking initiative in questions and did not mention Artelick's involvement in politics. And two, Dennis was looking at Artelick really closely."

"I think so too. Do you think they are people sent to protect Artelick and Jane?"

"Yup. Thorns in our sides."

Nea heaved an exaggerated sigh. Suddenly, a knock tapped on the door. We both jerked up. Nea threw over my dagger from the table, and I took position next to the door. We didn't act oddly at all, so there's no way the Barrs caught us. It should be someone else.

I creaked the door open. Nea prepared a spell behind me. On the other side of the door were Dennis and Casey. Shit! I raised my dagger when Dennis spoke up. "Do you have a moment, we have something to tell you."

"Oh sure," said Nea. Damn it! At least let me speak up now! We led them in. I kept the dagger close in hand, in case things go awry. Nea, too, had prepared a smoke screen spell and kept it dormant.

I poured them some tea and asked them to sit on the chairs in our room while I took a seat next to Nea on the bed. "So, what is it? You two alright?" At my words, Casey showed us a bright smile, and Dennis looked relieved. They did nothing close to this back in the lounge room! It only made us more vigilant.

"You sure are kind, Sirius. Please stay calm and listen."

"We are actually a sort of secret service. We are here to neutralize a dangerous person."

"What?!" Nea exclaimed.

Oh no, where is this going? Do I attack or not!?

"You must be confused," said Casey.

"Yes, what are you talking about?" I asked, Secret service? Neutralize a dangerous person?

Ah! I got it now! I think I know who these people are. I slowly unraveled my dagger and bought it to a suitable position. I will wait for an opening and strike them down in one go.

"This person is a dangerous thief and a notorious murderer."

Not yet. I waited for the perfect timing.

"He has also paired up with a powerful person and is wreaking havoc in many cities."

"This thief, which goes by the name Ivan—" Denis whispered.

I slowly raised my body. Anytime now...

"—He is your friend, Artelick."

... What?