Even amongst the turbulent lands of Zakall and the withered expanses of Dalmore, peace was not lacking in the world. Ask a hundred people which is the most peaceful place in the world and you'll learn the names of a dozen. But amongst the hundred, ninety will take one name in unison.
Lajoie fiefdom.
The Lajoie fiefdom of Vlysimn was uneventful. It simply had nothing going for it. No monuments, no rare yields, no geographical advantages and certainly no political interest. Lajoie fiefdom was certainly not a place for anyone that wanted to realize their dreams and ambitions in peace. For dreams and ambitions didn't exist in this place, and the day they reached it, it would lose all its peace.
The vast montane dunes of Lajoie extended in all directions. Grass grew on the dusty sandy road that led from one house to another and from another house to the fields, only to trampled by the walkign people or get crushed under the carts that came around every other hour.