
The Great Being [Arc 3: Prologue 2]

[Agathinus Chrestos Eu Ey Manus Goda. Morning.

The Hall of the Truthful. Kaxeus.]

White marble stretched out all around me, from my feet to the walls and the ceiling. Large chandeliers of gold and silver hung low from the ceiling, their candles lit and burning brightly over the room, lighting up the dark place with their charm in almost no time. The walls filled with intricate patterns over the white marbles were made to talk of the great lord Medax's story. But the colors lacked and the liberty the artist took was too constraining, so 7 popes ago, a new ritual of inviting preschool children over to the innermost room of the church, the Hall of the Truth, and making them paint the walls and floors and furniture and everything in here with their hands and feet began. Who is more free than a child? None.