
Only Trees Everywhere

[Nea Alba. Noon.

???. Ebon.]

Morning had already approached us. One entire day had passed by in this shitty trash-hole situation. I stretched my hands above my head and took off the makeshift blanket of leaves and twigs. I yawned and ran my hand through my hair.


Clicking my tongue, I pushed away the second blanket of leaves and twigs that made up our tiny little make-shit tent inside the forest. The dim sunlight that permeated into the rainforest also greeted me a goodmorning as the light fell on my sleepy eyes. I furrowed my brows and ran my hand over my eyelids, getting rid of whatever little gunk and tears had accumalated on their edges.

With another yawn, I peeked my head out of the tent and looked at the sky.


Only trees everywhere. No chance of finding the fucking sun or the fucking time at all.