
Chp 157: PTA

# Chp 157: PTA

{Alex Kirk. Night.

Port Altemben. Vlysimn}

There was still a master in both of them. If he's the master of all masters, can he still be a master? If that was the case he wouldn't be a master of all masters, right? Paradox. The Qiu Zan paradox. No one fucking point it out to that bastard or I'll kill you.

"Anyway." I said, trying to bring the conversation back on topic. "Qiu Zan. Where would you hide?"

"Of course, sneaking away is not an option," he leaned against  a wall and smirked, looking at us with a sidelong glance as he twirled an imaginary wine glass.

This guy was too far gone.

"The best place to hide is of course in the forest, for a tree, that is. For such unskilled people to hide, the best place would be amongst other unskilled people."