Late bloomers

Avana had been alternating between walking and running since she left her friend. Still, she had to find the place she had been searching for but to no avail.

Where? She would probably know once she found it. That was what she heard earlier in her head. Maybe it was just her hallucination playing a trick on her.

It sounded silly now when she hardly had any food to eat. Her stomach churned, but it was the least of her concern as she searched for a safe place to sleep for the night.

"You can do this." As her feet strode towards the unknown, burying herself deeper into the forest.

There seemed to be a path buried in full-grown bushes, grasses, and vines, but the trail was hardly passable with all the barriers that getting through would be a challenge.

She looked for another way, but climbing a stiff route or falling to the ravine on the other side were her other options. Not very appealing, considering no viable alternative.

It took her a while to squeeze her body through the small opening, twisting her petite frame through those thorny vines. A knife would have been helpful but guess what. Nada.

"Ouch!" A sting on her foot caused her to stop. Fortunately, her high pain tolerance helped her in this situation. It did not bother her that much.

The culprit that caused the pain radiating on her legs was a large thorn buried under her feet. It penetrated the sole of the stupid thin sandals she wore with the dress.

Aside from that, fresh scratches also covered her body. Some of the minor wounds on her skin she incurred before had already healed, but the deeper ones took longer to repair.

Then, her new large cut kept bleeding after taking the big thorn out. Quickly applying pressure should suppress her loss of blood. At least, she hoped, not wanting other complications.

Luckily, she did not agree to wear the heels that her mother had bought her, staring at the injuries on her body, imagining running with them on this rocky and rough terrain. It would have caused her a broken ankle or, even worse, a broken leg that would probably heal for days or weeks.

"Stupid dress, stupid shoes," Avana complained, limping her way up to the path.

She had nothing against the dress or the shoes. They were beautiful gifts from her mother. But she never intended to look beautiful for her supposed groom, not wanting him to like her, not even one bit.

Changing into denim pants, a comfortable shirt, and her favorite running shoes would have been ideal if she was not in a hurry. But time was of the essence, not expecting to run away from her party.

"I hope nothing else goes wrong." Repeating it like a mantra, thanking her luck for not encountering any beast around.

Eventually, the light quickly faded as the trees lost their brilliance while the leaves lost their coloring as the shadows grew their length.

Nothing seemed to be beyond the trees, just more various plants scattered around her. Darkness quickly caught up to her, but she still had to find shelter.

"This is it." Finally, finding a spot that would protect her from the different elements of the night. Avana gathered some twigs and some dry leaves, thinking of making a fire. But how to make one?

Her mind recalled movies that showed her how to make fire out of thin air. However, only a witch could do that. Now, Ivrea or Elisia came to mind. They would probably wave their hands and whisper some incantations. Then, voila! Fire.

Unfortunately, she was no witch, taking a stick and rubbing it with another one, but nothing seemed to happen.

The light was almost gone as darkness began to set in, but she still had nothing to use for light. Now, she missed her phone and its flashlight feature.

"Damn." Finally shouting, throwing the stick in the air for failing to make a fire, having no choice, now, but to brave the night in complete darkness.

"Nothing else will go wrong. I will camp here and sleep like a baby." Talking to herself was the only way to keep her sanity. It was also the only company she got while trapped in these endless greeneries.

Avana partially closed her eyes, imagining the evening sky around her. Suddenly, her loneliness was filled with gladness as the sound of the wind enveloped her in its slightly breezy coldness.

"Hoo-hoo." Guessing were owls cradled on the trees, adding to the buzzed of the bugs that echoed around her. It created a harmony that was music and pleasing to her ears.

She finally lay down on the hard dirt floor, trying to get as much rest, believing she still had a long journey ahead. However, it was a restless sleep as sharp stones spoked on her back every time she tried to move.

And to make matters worse, the moon seemed to be absent tonight as only stars sparingly shone on the night sky. She suddenly wished for the roof of their house over her head.

"It is so cold." Add that to the list of her concerns. Suddenly, wishing she had tried harder to make a fire as the cool air crept into her skin. Moreover, her lips shook, and her teeth produced a rattling sound.

Rubbing her hands together, creating a warmth before placing them against her cheeks, seemed slightly effective for now. But how long could that work for her as the night progressed and chilly air intensified?

"Grrrl!" Something echoed in the trees, faint at first, but it steadily increased as if it was getting nearer.

Her hands trembled more but not due to the cold as fear coursed through her body. She had never fought a wild animal before. Honestly, she had never encountered a live one, too, except when her parents brought her to a zoo.

"Shoo!" Avana yelled, grabbing the stick and throwing it to the source of the growl. A fire would again be a great help in this situation.

Her eyes remained vigilant, searching the darkness for a form of life. Her ears perked up, sensing their nearness as their bellows amplified. They were not wolves, but what were they?

Then, a louder roar overpowered all the noise around her, making her jolt in fright. It could not be an ordinary animal, could it be? But suddenly, the area was enveloped again with silence. The only things buzzing around were the bugs that circled her.

Her ears strained to hear the roar again, but all seemed to be back to its natural sound.

However, her skin still tingled, sensing something else around her. Her eyes looked around, but nothing moved, only the leaves that swayed with the wind.

"You are just paranoid." Her mind refused to be afraid, but the hair on her nape still stood in attention, believing eyes were watching her.

Then, who scared those beasts? Another bigger beast? But instead of being afraid, her heart had calmed down as if sensing no threat around her.

Honestly, it would be better if she could already shift to her wolf form. Her fur would be protecting her from the cold while her beast side would drive away those who might try to attack her.

"You have nothing to fear. You are a wolf. The future alpha." Chanting to herself as her body relaxed a bit more.

Eventually, after an hour of silence, exhaustion consumed her, slowly taking her consciousness. "When are you granting me my wish?"

Her eyes glanced above her before they gradually closed, still asking the moon goddess that was still missing in the midnight sky. Some of her friends already had it early, but some were just like her. Late bloomers.